Chapter 6: Time to sleep

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Dream POV

When did life become so complicated? After Dream woke up in the hospital, it felt like he had entered a parallel universe. Olivia had put up a go show in the beginning of playing the heartbroken girlfriend. Dream was ashamed to admit that he bought her side of the story in the beginning, especially when his teammates claimed the same thing: That it was the cute brunette who worked at the café, that had been the cause of this.

The only one who had a different interpretation of the situation was Sapnap. When he thought back at it, it sounded bizarre that the boy would drug him. What motives could he possibly have had? However, it wasn't as difficult to imagine that Olivia would've done it, especially after their earlier argument.

Dream was aware that Olivia wasn't a good person. But his parents loved her, and her dad was a highly influential scout for football scholarships. 

Their relation was practical but loveless. He tried his best to make it believable, but the truth was bound to come out sooner or later.

She had always been suspicious about Dream's sexuality. She might be egocentric and manipulative, but she sure was observant. How he involuntarily smiled every time he saw the shy brunette at the café. Or how excited he got when he was paired up with him for the group project. 

The last straw was when she caught Dream sleep talking about him. She had woken him up and angrily confronted him to which Dream had confessed the truth. He had expected her to break up with him straight away, however the situation had taken another approach. 

Both Dream's and Olivia's parents were rather homophobic. She threatened to expose him to her dad, which would erase any opportunity he had of getting a scholarship. His grades were shit, and she knew that. So, his best chance was to get a football scholarship. 

Therefore she gave him an ultimatum: Stay with her or be outed to the entire school.

He felt like shit though. Sapnap had grilled him last night about the event that occurred earlier. His conscious had overtaken his actions as he texted the number that brunette had given him. His heart fluttered every time  he got a response. Despite them being short, it made him feel a little more at ease knowing that the guy wasn't completely dead.

When the boy had trembled down into the water, Dream remembered how it felt like his heart stopped beating. Something had then snapped when he had dragged the pale lifeless body out the water. The last drop came when Olivia intruded and started yelling at him. Her ignorance and complete lack of empathy had in a heated argument. Where the two stood now was unclear, not that he cared. She meant nothing to him anymore.


Three days had passed since the incident. The boy, or George which Dream had learned was his name, hadn't been in school during these days. They hadn't texted anymore since that night and Dream could hardly blame him. Olivia really had turned the entire school against the poor guy.

Dream wasn't expecting to see him today either, but he would be surprised. His first lesson was English which he shared with Olivia. She was pretending like everything was fine between them and no one seemed to suspect a thing.

They only had classes before lunch today, which was a blessing. However, they were encouraged to begin with their project if they hadn't already started. George was still absent, but Dream spotted Ellie, the girl who claimed to be George's girlfriend. Selfishly it stung to know that his little crush seemed to be both straight and in a relationship. But on the other hand, George wasn't the only one with a girlfriend.

Olivia tailed him everywhere he went, like they were glued together. They sure looked like the perfect couple on paper, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Her company was suffocating.

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