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“Follow me.” He muttered strictly while they followed.

“So, how long have you been living here?” Jessica asked and Sir Shkodra stopped, taking a chew on his strong Jaws. Adrian was so scared-stiff that he was angry at his mum.

‘Why on earth would she stop him?!!!!’ he cried mentally, not saying a word

Then, Sir Shkodra continued.

“Why would you ask him that?” Adrian jerked at his mum.

“What?” She gave a low hum, but it was audible. “I’m just trying to be nice.”

Jessica and her kids followed the strange man upstairs as he walked with both jaw and chest out and in a single file. Then he spun, his chest almost meeting with Jessica’s face. She startled and took a step back just to take a better view.

“Boy, girl. That is your room.” He pointed with a flashlight in hand. They didn’t know he had it all this while.

‘And why are the lights low?’ Adrian gave it a thought.

“Mother, your room is this way. Then he stared at the three of them. “Only two rules; stay in a room at night. Lock the door and no noise.”

“That’s three rules,” Stormie whined.

“Stormie, don’t argue with sir Shkodra,” Jessica warned, her eyes fixed on the strange man, and a fake smile spread on her lips.


Then he pushed his neck backward, making it creak.

“Okay, kids. This is where we say goodnight.” Jessica told Stormie and Adrian.

“What? But... ” Adrian wanted to talk, but his mum cut into his words.

“No buts. Now, go to your rooms. Go, go, go...” She signaled to them while they both watched their mother in mystery as to why she was acting strange, too.

“Lock your doors and sleep tight. Love you.” she bade them goodbye as they walked into the distance.

Turning back to the front, her smile met Sir Shkodra’s stone face. There was nothing to compare his stare but death himself. Startled, Jessica's smile dropped as she walked into her assigned room with fast footsteps. Sir Shkodra’s neck creaked to the back without him turning, but Jessica was frightened to look back at him. She just entered the room and slammed the door at his creepy face.

Meanwhile, Stormie and Adrian were going to their room and admired the vaulted ceiling in the hallway.

“Hey, Adrian. Look at this.” Stormie pointed to a photo frame hanging on the wall. It was a den of wolves in the picture. It read...

'What frightens us today is the same sort of thing that frightened us yesterday. It’s just a different wolf.' She paused as if trying to understand.

“By Alfred Hitchcock. But dad always used to say that.” Stormie pointed out.

“Yes, Alfred Hitchcock made the quote from the book, Little Red Riding Hood,” Adrian replied.

“Who’s Alfred Hitchcock?”

“Hitchcock is one of the greatest British film directors with a bunch of hits to his name, including over five Oscar nominations for Best Director, and a prestigious Irving G. Dad loves this quote because he enjoyed working with Alfred Hitchcock,” Adrian explained to his sister.

“Oh, I see. I’d love to meet this Hitchcock guy, though.”

“Yes, probably in the future. Now, let’s go into our rooms.” Adrian said.

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