Facing Ashley

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It's been three days now, and Adrian is nowhere to be found. Maria had been having sleepless nights, knowing that he must be in Ashley's apartment, even though she stopped perceiving his earthy scent.

Telling Jessica about it, they paid a visit. Gently tapping on her door. She opened it swiftly and closed the door before facing them.

"Good morning, Mrs. Knight." Ashley started with an innocent smile.

"Good morning, Ashley. How's everything?"

"Fine," she replied. "How can I help you?"

"Um, we don't know if you've seen Adrian or if you have any idea where he might be, maybe?"

"Is he missing?" Ashley leaned forward, mimicking Jessica's body language.

"Yes, he hasn't been home in the past 3 days."

"Really? Wow, that's troubling. Have you reported to the police? At least, they might have an idea, not me." Ashley pointed out.

"Can we check your apartment for a second?" Maria intervened.

Ashley busted into laughter as if she just cracked a joke. They watched her confusedly, and she end up cupping her mouth into her palms, facing Jessica.

"I don't mean to be mean, but Adrian is missing, not your car key. Inform the police and make a report. It's their job, not mine-"

"When last did you see him?" Maria cut in again. Ashley stopped, turning to her with a bitchy look.

"Stop bugging me, dumbass! Now, shoo!" she signaled they should leave before she hit it, banging the door at their curious faces.

"What should we do?" Jessica turned back to Maria. Her mind was more puzzled than her body was.

"I do not know. But I would definitely break through this door. Even if it's the last thing I do."

Looking at Maria, she sounded so promising.

"Come." Jessica grabbed her by the arm, pulling her away. Maria followed, dragging her feet after Jessica until they got home. She swing the door open and closed it with a loud thud.

"What's it?"

"What are you thinking? Don't tell me you will attack her!

"If that's what she wants, of course I would. I would scratch off her bitchy face without a second thoughts. I can't believe she stopped attending school because she made Adrian her prisoner! Ugh!" Maria slammed her fist on a wooden table and it gave its last prayer, shattering into a thousand pieces.

Jessica gasped, walking closer to her and placing a comforting hand in hers.

"That would be bad, Maria. It would only complicate things and expose our secrets. I don't want you to get into a fight with her, even if she asks for it." Jessica advised, then she stood up. Walking through and fro, around the room like a wall clock's arm.

Maria's brows furrowed. "So what do we do?"

"We just have to think..." Jessica held her hair, thinking about a way. She grabbed her phone and dialed a contact.

"Hello Sheriff Jones! Can you come over with your boys please?" Her voice started over the phone.

"Yes, someone kidnapped my son. Tomorrow might be too late. I need your help."

Maria's face flushed as she watched Mrs. Knight. She hoped her plan works else. She would burst into the next apartment.

"Thanks so much, I'll be expecting you." She smiled up. "Bye."

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