Feeling Different

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"What smells so good!" Adrian started.

Sir Shkodra prepared peppered steak, hotdog, and roasted chicken, placing it on the dining table.

"Great!" Jessica smiled. Ready to eat.

"Did you guys hear anything last night?" Stormie interfered.

"Not me! I slept like a dog."

"You mean, log?" She corrected.

"Yeah, whatever. That's what I said." He glared, watching Stormie pass the plate of chicken.

Sir Shkodra rolled his eyes at Adrian.

"What is the matter? You don't like porridge?"

"Yes, of course! I do." He woke up to the bowl of porridge in front of him. Deepened his stainless spoon into it and shoved it down his throat.

"Hmm! Yummy!" He faked a dry smile while Jessica placed the plate of hotdogs right in front of him, in the middle of the marble dining table.

Adrian's hungry eyes focused on the dishes, like pots of goodness. A gulp of saliva well-down his throat.

His mum took a piece of chicken and placed it on the plate right in front of her. She held it with her fork and sliced a part with the eating knife. Placing it in her mouth, Adrian couldn't take his steady eyes off his mother's mouth.

Even for a blink of a second.

Chewing on the stake, Adrian listened to how Stormie gave it a good chew. The sound of her mouth rang in his ears. He couldn't concentrate. It was all in his head.

"Hey, mum! Tell us about yesterday!" Adrian busted in the mental torture. "How was your date? Did you two make out?"

"It wasn't a date." Stormie hissed.

"Yeah, it was just a business date." Their mum admitted, cutting a piece of meat.
"Guys, to tell you the truth? Yesterday was fun. I feel Jerry and I have a good connection together, and I should hang out with him more often." She glanced at her kids with happy eyes. "What do you think?"

"You guys just met last night." Stories glared at her mum. "And you think you have a good connection? I mean, isn't it too early to conclude?" Stormie sighed. Tired of the talk, already.

Adrian sneezed. He brought out a white hanky to wipe off his nose.

"Are you alright?" Jessica asked.

"Yes, mum. It's just a little cold. I'd be fine." Adrian replied, taking another spoon of porridge. He spoilt his mouth at it, as if sour.

Watching his mum chewing the hotdog through his reading glasses, a line of saliva poured out from the corner of Adrian's mouth. He left his mouth open, lost in thoughts.

Stormie turned to Adrian in total shock. She couldn't believe he was salivating.

"Wtf, dude! Are you... Drooling?" Stormie raised her slim eyebrows in disgust.

"What? No! I don't drool." Adrian touched his mouth and noticed the saliva trickling from his mouth. He timidly took the tablecloth and wiped it off.

"We talked about selling the castle and all, but I have to say." Jessica continued. "Jerry seems pretty interested in buying it."

"Sir Shkodra," Stormie gave his haughty face a puppy look.


"Where would you stay after we sell this castle?"

"Sure, he has a family, Stormie," Jessica suggested.

"Madam Magdalena was my only family." He dropped his cup of coffee and Jessica couldn't help but notice the frown on his face. It looked creepier. She knew that she would have to do something for him and quick.

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