Chapter 4

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Taehyung have gone through the files over and over again. There were lots of drugs reports and weapon transactions of JK but nothing could connect them to the Jeon Jungkook who has a clean record.

It was just like he was invisible. If he hadn't showed himself to him the other day taehyung would have just believe he is a made up person because there was really nothing on him.

He finally decided to rest the case for more important and crucial ones like is superiors adviced.

"Joining us tonight" he heard Jackson speak causing him to raise his head to look at the other who was perking into his office with an anticipating smile.

He was running out of excuses to give the older. He just doesn't like to hang out that much, his routine was after work, go straight home, find something to eat, watch a couple of shows or read a book then sleep. What other people called fun was stressful to him and this is why he can't keep friends.

"Okay, please send me the details later" he said to Jackson who looked at him shock.

"Really?"Jackson asked because he was expecting a rejection as always.


"The last deal was huge and a great profit. It always a pleasure to work with you JK" Bogum commented as he took a sip of his own drink.

Jungkook just nodded as he exhaled a puff of cigar from his lips as he checked documents over again

"When did you say the next goods are coming in" he asked.

"In a few weeks, the exchange place would still be the same, right?

"Yes, we will get your cash ready by then" Jungkook said pressing the burnt out cigar in the ashtray before picking up a pen to sign on the documents then passing it to the bogum

"Heard some new detective is on your tail. Need help with that, I have some good connection in their head office. He will be transferred before you know it" bogum said as he passed back the documents he just signed.

"There are so many things wrong in that statement of yours" Jungkook said uninterested

"Come on, I'm just trying to help my partner. I know you don't like getting involved with legal officer. Getting rid of the officer would be easier"

Jungkook looked up at bogum at the last statement before pulling out another cigar placing it in-between his lips.

"One. I have more connection you can ever dream of having. Two. I don't like killing good legal officer. Three. I can handle my business myself and good advice from me to you, it will be for your own good to stick your nose out of my business" Jungkook said after exhaling a puff of smoke out of his lungs.

"That been said, I will taking my leave I have a new club to open" Jungkook added before standing up to walk out, as he stepped out of the office with Jimin and two men behind him.

"Any other appointments?" He asked Jimin as he walked into the elevator while the some guards took the steps

"You have a couple few meetings before the club opens tonight" Jimin informed as they stepped into the elevator together.

Jungkook sighed, he looked exhausted "I can reschedule them to tomorrow if you are tired" Jimin quickly added.

"It's fine. Hope suga is coming for the opening tonight" he asked

"Is he not your friend, why are you asking me?" Jimin responded

"I wouldn't know more than his Fuck buddy would" Jungkook said with a sly smile on his lips

"How did you know?" Jimin asked shocked that their little secret was no longer a secret.

"You are funny Jimin, I know everything that goes on around me" Jungkook said boredly

"Of course" Jimin said a little embarrassed

"I'm happy for you I guess. Just make that grandpa come out for once, he is always stuck behind a computer screen"

"I will call him" Jimin said just when the elevator digged and opened to the ground floor. They could see their men all standing in line towards the opening of the office waiting for them to get into the car.


Oh well-
y'all never disappoints!


I purple you.


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