Chapter 34

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Taehyung jolted awake at the sound approaching the room. He took a deep breath bracing himself for yet another long day of torture.

He kept his head down not interested in who was here to take pleasure in marking his skin today. He heard a thump sound liked something thrown on the flow and a curse word "fuck" followed causing Taehyung's blood to run cold at the recognition of the voice.

'No. no no no no'

He chanted in his head slowly raising his head to meet the figure on the floor watching as one of the guards came forward and pulled off the bag over the young mafia boss head and the detective has never felt his blood run so cold in his whole life at the sight of his source of light in front of him in this dirty demonic room.

Ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He felt like screaming at the top of his lungs.

"What the fuck do you guys want!" Jungkook growled sitting on his knees as he faced Namjoon and his men but the older Kim was amusedly staring at his brother who was giving him a murderous stare. The young mafia boss looked towards the source of attention and sat frozen at the sight of Taehyung covered in bruises and blood.

He saw red at the sight.

"Who fucking did this to him?!" Jungkook growled as he struggle to stand on his feet but two men have come to press him down by the shoulder. "I'm going to fucking kill all of you!!" Jungkook growled struggling with the handcuff. How can they beat up one of their own like an animal?! He had plans to bring Mr Kim down alone and leave but HE IS GOING TO FUCKING BURN THE WHOLE PLACE DOWN.

Taehyung could feel the rage steaming off his body at the thought of what they might have brought the younger here for. HE WAS GOING TO FUCKING KILL EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM IF THEY LAY A FINGER ON JUNGKOOK!

"Well well.. well. Who could have thought that you, V. will get so attached to someone this deep" Namjoon said laughing as he walked past the growling and struggling Jungkook  to stand in front of his dear brother "You just made everything easy for me, brother" he mocked

Taehyung meets the older Kim in the eyes and the anger in his eyes has been replaced with something the older recognized oh so well and Namjoon for the first time since that faithful night many years ago he saw those murderous look in the younger's eyes causing him to unconsciously take a step back.

"Do you know why I never came after you all this time?" Taehyung said with a smile, the darkness in his eyes got darker all emotions shut completely out. "Because mother still called you his son even with her last breath..." He added not looking away from the older Kim.

"But you see that boy over there" Taehyung said his smile gets more sickeningly but eyes are more deadly than Namjoon remembers "If a single hair is lost from him, not even my death would save you from me."

The threat and warning was clear.

Namjoon walked back with a snicker "You are in no place to threaten me!" The older Kim growled pulling out his gun pointing it at Jungkook who was glaring death at him "Give me what I want and I just might let him go" Namjoon threaten pressing the gun at the younger's head.

"Pull the trigger, you fucking coward!" Jungkook challenged

Taehyung still had his eyes locked with his brother, the smile completely replaced with a thin line. He hasn't once met eyes with Jungkook.

"I will share it but first you are to let him go, NOW. That's the only way you will get anything from me" Taehyung calmly said his eyes not flattering from his brother who was happy at the sound of it.

"It was really that easy" Namjoon rejoiced

"No, I refuse to be a piece of threat to anyone!" Jungkook finally shoke off the men pressing him down and he charged into Namjoon who fell over, the gun falling from his hand.

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