Chapter 33

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"You better speak..." Came yoongi's voice urging the younger to start talking.

Hoseok inhaled to shake away the nervousness.

"I can help you get into the Kim's Order server" he started but he saw no sign of interest in the mafia boss's face. "It will be impossible to break through their firewalls without an insider" he added looking towards yoongi to give his boss the confirmation but Jungkook did not look interested still.

"I have the layout at the back of my hand and will share it with you for a tiny request"

"What I am most interested in at the moment" Jungkook finally spoke up ignoring everything that has been said so far "What makes you think you will leave here alive"

"Because you need what I have to offer?" Hoseok added with a gulp, he hated dealing with this kind of people directly.

They are like ticking bombs.

"Oh, we will get that offer either willingly or through a torture" Jimin responded with a creepy smile suddenly appearing on his face.

Did Hoseok ever say Jimin looked like an angel? Definitely looking the opposite right now. He quickly looked back at Jungkook to find the other not fazed probably still waiting for a reason not to kill him off immediately.

"Y'all should calm down, I will give you what I know all I am asking is to tag along to be able to get to my best friend"

There was a pin drop silence at his words all eyes now at Jungkook well except Jimin who was still pointing a gun at the intruder.

Jungkook just stared back at hoseok silently and against what everyone expected, he turned around in an attempt to leave but halts "I will allow you leave without a scratch if you share the details with suga without any problems..."

"I'm not leaving without getting my own part of the negotiation" hoseok voice sounded more firm causing Jungkook to spare him a glance with a raised brow.

"You should be glad to leave here alive..." Jungkook started but was cut off

"Trust me, you are the last person I want to see but we wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for you." He spoke up fear long forgotten at the thought of his plans of getting to taehyung failing. "There is no way they could have had him if you weren't around!"

"Watch your words" Jimin warned pressing the gun on hoseok forehead after stealing a nervous glance at Jungkook and hoseok caught the look.

"Wait. You think Taehyung played you?" H asked finally getting angry, he pushed the gun away from his head "Is that what you are telling yourself to avoid acknowledging the fact that you, yourself crawled into the bed of your worst enemy's child..."

A hard punch was sent across his face by none other than Jimin himself. "This is your last warning to shut up!"

"I will ignore that because you are cute" Hoseok glared at him before turning towards Jungkook who still had his back to them "Do you know how hard it was to escape Taehyung out of that hell, how long we ran around the world to avoid them. Only for you to crawl your way into his life and his safety became a second priority of him. And you stand here and doubt what you both had?"

Yoongi and Jimin just stared in confusion at what to do and most of all dreading the younger's silent.

Jungkook chuckled at the words. So he is meant to believe Taehyung not only did not play him but was captured.


The demon child of the Kim looked like he was the one leading the group out of the forest that day.

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