CM Characters React- Meeting you (you're not an agent)

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Spencer Reid-
Your friend/family member was competing in a chess competition and you were watching, when you saw a cute guy there too. You went to watch the game he was competing in, and he blushed. After the game, you started talking and flirting with him, making him redder than before. Before you leave, you exchange number. Giving him a smile, you say, “Well, I hope to see you again boy genius.” “Um, y-yeah you too.” He replies.

Derek Morgan-
Spence made Derek go with him to the bookstore as a part of a deal and Derek was bored the entire time. “Come on, pretty boy, when are you gonna be done?” He's fed up so he just starts wandering the store when he sees you struggling to lift a box of books to put them away (you work there). He walks over and picks it up for you, “Where does this need to go?” You lead him in the direction and he helps you put them away. You exchange names and just talk pointlessly for 30 minutes and when Spence is done, you ring him up and Derek asks, “Can I get your number, babydoll?” You give it to him of course.

Aaron Hotchner-
He was looking for a personal trainer and you came up as a reccomendation by a lot of people. He contacted you through your professional number on the website and planned to meet up to see if it would work. When you meet up, you instantly click, talking about your shared interests. Aaron talks about Jack. (Sorry if you don't like kids). You contact through your proffesional number for a while when he asks for your personal one, hinting at something more, and you agree.

David Rossi-
You meet at the release for his newest book. You, yourself are not a fan but your friend is and they wanted you to come. You stumble into him and say something rude about the guy who's release party it is (😳) and he says. “Yeah, that's me.” Stunned, you apologize. The rest of the night goes pretty well, and you guys plan to meet up again.

Emily Prentiss-
She brings Sergio into the vet, where you work because he's sick. It's just kind of like a check up so she was allowed to be in the room. She thought you were really attractive so she asks for your number, awkwardly because she's there because her cat is sick. You giggle but give it to her. Leading her out of the room.

Jennifer Jareua-
After reccomendation for fitness, she goes to yoga class and you are the instructor. You guys hit it off instantly. She asks for more lessons, and after a couple she asks for your number. The yoga lessons start to get really touchy 😏

Penelope Garcia-
You were helping run a soup/food auction when a cute peppy girl walks in with many pots of various soups and foods. You laugh a little and help her set them all down. You try her food and it's delicious and she gets all happy and excited that you like it. “You're really cute. What's your name?” “I'm Penelope. A lot of people call me Penny though.” You guys exchange names and numbers at the end of the night. And she's blushing redder than her hair bow she has in that night.


Authors note: I don't really like the 'new agent' trope and didn't know if anyone else does or not so here you go!

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