CM Characters- Becoming official S/O

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Spencer Reid-

He would buy a super fancy, expensive necklace, with a picture of you and him inside. Sweaty-nervous all night long. After you finish eating he says he has to ask you something. When he tries to ask, you look a little perplexed and he backs down and says never mind. After a minute of convincing, “Come on Spencer it's just me.” He asks and you say yes, or course. I mean, it's SPENCER REID.

Derek Morgan-

It would be the first time you ever saw him look genuinely nervous about a date with you. It would be your seventh date and he would take you stargazing in the same flower field as your first date, which has turned into your spot. He would give you a promise ring, and say he wants you to be more than just someone he's ‘talking to.’ You say yes and spend the rest of the night kissing, cuddling, and looking at the stars.

Aaron Hotchner-

Invites you over to his house to meet Jack. You make a pillow and blanket fort and watch movies with him and Jack. Jack falls asleep on you and Aaron goes to move him to his room but you say it's fine. At that moment he just knows he wants you to be his partner. He didn't plan on making it official that night, and he just kind of blurted out, “Will you be my lover?” Your eyes light up and you manage to stammer out a yes. He moves jack to his room and picks you up laughing when you shriek. You cuddle in his bed, deciding it was more comfortable than the blanket fort, and cuddle all night, smiling subconsciously.

David Rossi-

You just know he would make a big deal out of it. Invites you over to “chill.” When you walk in you smell candles and food. He feeds you a three course meal, and leads you down a trail of rose petals to the bedroom where there is a bouquet of your favorite flowers and chocolate dipped strawberries. He feeds you one before lifting you on the bed and saying “be my partner?” “But of course my good sir.” He kisses you and takes you to the bathroom where he has candles prepared. He fills up the tub and you get in it. You spend the rest of the night cuddling in each other's arms.

Emily Prentiss-

Since you're still kinda new, she takes you on a walk all around, kind of like a tour. Stopping at at your favorite shops, cafes, and bakeries. And when you stopped by flowers in someone's garden, you gasped and pointed, to which Emily jumped the fence and stole a handful of flowers for you, trying them together with a piece of sturdy grass. And when you get excited and see a playground, her immediate response is to grab your hand and drags you. You play on the swings the set creaking with your weight seeing as they are made for children. You go to a designer jewelery store to look around and buy a few things. When you leave, she claims she left something inside. Little did you know she was buying a ring with your birthstone. When she gets out you walk until you are met with the bench you cuddles up on, on your first date. She pulls out the ring and says, “Give me your hand.” When you do, she slides it on and says. “Will you be my s/o?” “YES YES OMG YES!!” You yell, drawing some attention and she kisses you.

Jennifer Jareua-

She takes you hiking to a “surprise”. When you get there, she has a picnic blanket and a basket of your favorite pantry food secured shut. You squeal in excitement and pick her up bridle style spinning her around before setting her down. She laughs and sits down, pulling you to sit next to her. JJ opens the basket and pulls out two plates, you serve yourselves to the food and take turns shoveling food into each other's mouths. When you're finished eating you clean up the picnic and she pushes you down, sitting in your lap. She kisses you before pulling a dark rose out of the picnic basket and hands it to you, and says, “Will you be my s/o, Y/N?” You gasp slightly and smell the rose, “Yes, JJ!” You exclaim before laying down pulling her with you, wrapping your legs around her.

Penelope Garcia-

After work, she asks you to go out for a date with her. But she refuses to tell you what. She tells you to dress in old clothes and meet her at her place at 4:00. You agree. When you arrive, you get out and open her door for her. you see her walking out in a tie die shirt and overalls covering it. She kisses you and says, “I'm driving by the way.” She walks around for the driver's side and hands you a fuzzy sleep mask and says, “Put this on.” You giggle but agree, putting it on. About 30 minutes later she stops the car and says, “We’re here! Don't take the blindfold off yet!” She takes the keys out and you hear the door shut. She guides you up to the door and walks in. When you enter she leads you farther and says, “Ok!” She takes the mask off and you open your eyes to see paint and canvases. She excitedly says “I got us painting lessons!” You guys start painting and when you are done. You look over at her painting and see a picture of you guys and at the top she's painted, “Be mine?” In a heart. “Oh my god, of course Penny!” You hug her and kiss her The look on her face is pure joy!


A/N: Went a little all out on that one. By the way, all of these imagines will be gender neutral. But most of my other stories are OCs or fem!reader.

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