What Dating David Rossi is like

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-He is like rich af, and one time you jokingly said "I wish I had a million bucks" AND THIS MF JUST WHIPPED A WAD OF HUNDRED DOLLAR BILLS OUT OF HIS POCKET TO GIVE TO YOU LIKE-

-He loves cooking for you and is really good at it but gets amused when you who is not really good at it tries to cook.

-He loves watching scary movies and because of his job he is not bothered but he LOVES watching you get scared

-Dancing: Waltz, Salsa, he is good at all of it.

-He is like really good at coordinating outfits. And he picks out yours all the time.

-Joy really likes you and hopes he marries you because it's obvious this guy is lonely with all that money 🥱

-He is fun but he can also be really romantic and he goes ALL OUT.

-He just likes being near you. You don't even have to talk, just sit in the same room.

-He goes out of his way to make sure your friends love him.

-Sometimes you just randomly kick him (lmao sounds like me) and he starts a fake fighting match.


A/N: Sorry this one is a little short but I had a feeling that people think of Rossi more as a father figure so.

Also I am SO sorry but I'll have to post the girls tomorrow because they're my favorites so they're probably gonna be long, and I just spent a couple hours on making these.

By the way sorry for the spam.


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