What Dating Aaron Hotchner is Like

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-He's always so serious but around you he can really just let loose and be himself, so the smile that other people know as rare, is pretty common to you.

-Eventually Jack starts calling you mumma. And the first time he did Aaron cried of joy.

-Rossi and Morgan would constantly flirt with you to make him jealous, and you harmlessly flirt back knowing what they're doing.

-He's not as protective as Morgan but he still is constantly on guard, because of what happened to Haley. Carries his gun with him everywhere.

-He's not really big on physical contact until later in the relationship so the most you would get is an arm around you. However, you are constantly holding hands, your leg is over his, or knees touching. Just little stuff like that.

-He is usually quite the gentleman but drunk him is confident and fun and just wants to dance all the time.

-He was hesitant to introduce you to the team because he was afraid that you might be targeted if you were associated with the Unit Chief of the FBI.

-Whenever he's on a case for a while, or far away he always has to call you before he goes to bed to make sure you're okay, and to give him some piece of mind.

-He loves watching cringy teen romances with you but will never admit it to you in fear of being teased for it.

-One time he accidentally scared you so then he just started jump scaring you on purpose.

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