A Cooking Catastrophe (David Rossi)

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Imagine: Dave comes home to you trying to cook

You were currently trying to make a classic Italian meal as a surprise for your boyfriend David. It wasn't going as well as planned. The first attempt was burnt and sitting in the sink. And one by one, the failed meals piled up.

You're on attempt #7 when David walks in to see you in the kitchen covered in flour, sauce, and somehow noodles?

He glances around and puts his hands up cautiously, "Woah. What happened here?"

"I was trying to cook. Heh heh, it isn't going as planned." You say just as a noodle falls from the cabinet and onto your head.

"I can see that." He says with a smirk before walking into the kitchen and kisses your flour covered face.

He looks at the catastrophe in the rest of the kitchen and whistles. He helps clean the mess up and then he assists you while you are trying to cook, giving you instructions on what goes in next. Luckily this attempt actually turns out edible, and the two of you cuddle on the couch while eating it.

You choose a show to watch while you're eating and you take turns feeding each other. He kisses your head before you fall asleep and whispers "Leave the cooking to me from now on, okay?"

You respond with a giggle and a playful "Shut up!" And he laughs and pulls you closer. You and David share a loving kiss before you fall asleep on his chest.

It's probably a good idea to leave the cooking to him, for the safety of you... And the kitchen.

A/N: sorry this is even shorter but are there any Rossi simps who read this? Like please answer I wanna know.

Vote please <3

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