Chapter Fifteen

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I walked through the forest, following the green ribbon that floated creepily ahead of me. I had been waking for five minutes before I heard a twig snap behind me. I twisted around only to find empty forest all around. I continued to follow the ribbon but remained on my guard, all my senses heightened. Every little breeze made me spin around again only to find myself completely alone.
Finally I lost my nerve when a twig snapped behind me again. I spun around, pulling my gun out, "Who's there?!" I called.
"Oh dear Miss Swan," I spun around again to find Regina smiling at me, "Are we a little jumpy today?" She gave me a patronising smile.
"You've been following me all this time." I said my gun trained on her.
"Why no, I have better things to do with my time than follow you around all day."
"Look Regina, I've backed away from everyone, what else do you want." I was becoming hopeless, "You can have Henry if that will help."
"Well that's very nice of you Emma, but you can't do anything." She laughed, "Don't you see, don't you realise that my curse explains your whole life." I thought about what she had said, about how everyone who I loved or loved me would leave me. And that has been my life, from my parents, to Henry, to Graham, to Neal, to Walsh. Everyone who was ever close to me is gone. But how could Regina have anything to do with that. She laughed at my confusion.
"Zelena gave me an idea." And then it dawned on me. "But I didn't need all those silly ingredients like she did," Regina continued, "All I needed was this." She waved her hand and a tattered top hat appeared.
"The hatter's portal?" I said with confusion.
"Yes, you see, I had to do one spell with a small price to be able to send curse back in time." She cackled at the look on my face. "There's nothing you can do Miss Swan, your cursed, and you always have been." She laughed and disappeared once more into a swirl of purple smoke.
I stood there froze in shock tears silently falling down my cheeks.
"Are you alright?" I looked up, a girl with braided ginger hair and bright pink lips came towards me. I nodded solemnly. "Are you... Anna?" I asked my voice thick with tears. The girl smiled brightly, "Who are you?" She asked.
"Emma," I answered trying to smile, "I know your sister, that's why we're trying to find you."
"Yes, with this?" She held out the green ribbon, "It's mine." She said.
I nodded, "That's how a locator spell works."
"A spell?" Her eyes widened, "You have magic?"
"Well, it's a long story." I said trying to avoid the question. "I just need to call someone to tell your sister that we found you." I got out my phone and dialled David's number, he picked up on the first ring. "Hello, I've found her, lets meet back at Granny's." David agreed before I hung up and turned back to Anna. "So, wanna go see your sister?"
As we walked back through the forest I asked all the questions that had been burning inside if me. "So how did you get here? Why were you in the Enchanted Forest?"
Anna told me her story, she met Zelena and got turned into a flying monkey and then when she woke up everything was cold and frozen. "I've been doing my best to thaw it out, but Elsa just kept making it snow."
"Wait," I said pulling her to a stop, "You have magic too."
She smiled, "Yes, kind of the opposite of Elsa, I control heat and fire and sun, I'm just learning to control it." I shook my head, I had too many thoughts flying around in there.
"Are you okay?" Anna woke me from my trance.
"Yes, sorry, so why were you in the Enchanted Forest? You left that part out." Anna looked at the floor, worried for a moment. "Well..." She began, "Elsa began acting really weird, saying that this pirate had broken her heart, but we have never even met a pirate! I went to the Enchanted Forest to find a powerful wizard I had heard about to see if he could help her."
"But Elsa said you went to look for Hook!"
"Yes, well, that's what I told her, she thought I believed her. If I'd told her the truth she would not have let me go."
"So can I just clarify something," We were back in town but I stopped before we got to Granny's. "Hook never did anything wrong?"
"Not as far as I know." Anna shrugged.
Why do I even care! I thought as we stepped into the diner.
The two sisters ran at each other from opposite sides of the room and embraced like the end of a cheesy movie. And I stood there feeling more alone than I ever have in my entire life.

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