The Father

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3rd person POV: Prison in Okinawa

"How's the prisoner today?" A guard asked another as they prepared to switch who stood watch over solitary confinement.

"So far he's calm. Out of everyone here he's the only person we really need to watch now that Saejima's gone." The guard said as the other nodded in agreement.

"Sometimes I wonder why he even let us lock him up. I mean I was there that day in the yard when he went berserk. He killed a guard and put another in a coma for months. They didn't even do anything to him, but tell him that he had to get out of the yard because time was up. I know that if he wanted to he could probably break out anytime he wanted, but he just lets us have him locked up in here." The guard openly wondered as his buddy sighed.

"I take it you don't know what landed him here then. Han Tatsuya was the leader of a small Yakuza group under the Omi Alliance. He had a wife and son and as far as anyone knows they were happy. Then one day Han's wife Emi Tatsuya was murdered. Han was famous for doing whatever the hell he wanted even disobeying orders from his superiors on a few occasions. Emi reigned him in and reminded him that he had duties he couldn't ignore. Without her he did whatever the hell he wanted without restraint. Eventually we caught him after he murdered the entire yakuza clan that his wife's killer belonged to. That day he was charged with 82 murders and neglect of a child. His son was 10 at the time, and hadn't even seen his father since the day after his mother died. The kid disappeared after his father's trial occasionally popping up in cities for a while before disappearing again." He explained to the guard who was at a loss for words.

"How do you know all this? And THAT guy ran a Yakuza clan and they were a small group!?" The guard asked as his friend turned to look at him.

"I used to be a cop in Sotenbori where he was caught. I was there the day he was arrested felt so bad for the kid that I try to find any news about him so I know he's ok. Last I heard he was a boxing champion in Ijincho. And as for why the group was small Han believes in quality over quantity. There were only a handful but nobody dated cross them cause they could wipe out nearly anyone. Hell the Omi debate whether or not they could've taken Kamurocho from the Tojo Clan if Han had been with'em back then." He answered before the guard left to report to the Yard. His friend who took his place watching over solitary confinement started walking towards Han's cell.

"Hey Han I got some news on your boy. Seems like he's back in Sotenbori. He's apparently settled down there, and joined the Tojo Clan's Majima family." He said as he looked inside the cell. Han Tatsuya was a man with messy bright white hair, a muscular physique, and green eyes like his son.

"Really? How about that. Ya know what I wanna do?" Han said getting to his feet and walking towards the door while the guard wasn't paying attention.

"What's that?" The guard asked turning his head to see Hans arm stretching between the bars and grabbing him.

"I wanna see my son." Han said slamming the guards head against the bars knocking his out and possibly killing him. Han held his limp body up and reached his other arm through the bars grabbing the guards keys. He then used the keys to unlock the door his inhuman flexibility on full display. He started walking through the prison to leave knowing most guards were in the yard right now cause the inmates not in solitary we're outside now. When he got to the normal cells there was only a handful of guards which wouldn't be an issue. He ran full sprint at the first guard and superman punched him with enough force to knock him out.

The other guards were so caught off guard that they froze up long enough for Han to knock him out with a right hook. The last one rushed Han and tried hitting him with an uppercut. The guard wasn't prepared for Han to dodge how he did though. Han bent back so far his body was parallel to the ground.

From that position Han came back up with a monstrous left uppercut knocking out the last guard

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From that position Han came back up with a monstrous left uppercut knocking out the last guard. He quickly went to a desk and found a pad of paper and a pen. He quickly wrote a note and placed it on one of the knocked out guards. He then continued his walk out of the prison basically unhindered. Every now and then there'd be a guard or 2 but they were no match for Han's ability. He got outside the prison and remembered the biggest deterrent for escapes. The prison was on an island which mean he'd have to swim from here, or find another way. He walked to the dock where guards kept boats in case an escape occured, and looked in them. Han knew that some of the guards were so certain there'd never be an escape they kept the keys to their boat inside the boat. He eventually found one with the keys in the ignition and left for the mainland on the boat.

A day later: News Report

"Hello everyone today we have breaking news yesterday evening there was an escape from an island prison off the coast of Okinawa. The escapee is confirmed to be Han Tatsuya who was arrested for multiple counts of murder and neglecting his 10 year old son Ryu Tatsuya. As of right now there is only a single clue to where Han is going. A note he left on an unconscious guard that simply reads 'See you soon'. His note may mean he's going after his son Ryu and with his recorded I doubt Han is planning a fun family reunion. If you see Ryu Tatsuya or if you know anything about Ryu's whereabouts please contact the police, so they can keep him safe. This is Sakura Watanabe with your breaking news report." Sakura finished as the camera turned off honestly just being here freaked her out. She was told that this place was maximum security, but what she saw suggested otherwise. Han Tatsuya had torn through the guards and broke out like it was nothing. Granted he'd chosen the perfect time to escape, but still it seemed like he didn't even break a sweat.

"Can't believe that after all this time he'd escape now." Sakura said quietly though her cameraman heard her.

"He probably only got a chance now." The cameraman said as Sakura shook her head.

"Nah I'm certain he could've done this anytime he wanted. Han Tatsuya is just that strong." She said as the camera man looked at her questioningly.

"I used to live in Sotenbori. His trial was one of the first stories I covered. I ended up talking to his son for an interview. Cute kid back then, but I haven't heard anything about the kid since then. He'd be about your age now." Sakura said as her cameraman looked thoughtful for a second.

"Ryu Tatsuya I swear I know that name, but I can't think of where I heard it. Ryu Tatsuya......oh! I heard it when I lived in Ijincho he was a boxing champion there." The cameraman said as Sakura smiled a little as they packed their stuff in the boat that would take them away from the prison.

"That's good. Hopefully he can protect himself if his father gets to him before the police." Sakura said as they left the island. Sakura wouldn't openly admit it but she was genuinely worried about Ryu Tatsuya. The story of Han Tatsuya has stuck with her since she covered the trial, and even though she moved her mind couldn't forget the little 10 year old Ryu Tatsuya who she had to interview and watch testify against his father.

"Hey do you know how many vacation days I have saved up?" Sakura asked her cameraman who shook his head.

"Not a clue. Why?" He asked her as she leaned her head back a little.

"It's nothing. Just thinking about taking some time off." She lied as she thought about the article she saw about Ryu Tatsuya resurfacing back in Sotenbori. Maybe meeting the kid could ease her mind a little.

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