Unfortunate Fates

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Giichi and Han continued on the Yakuza path for years. Though they weren't as close as they once were Han made it a point to find time for his best friend any time he could. Though they did still have plenty of fun the atmosphere could become tense rather quickly with the 2, and this was because of a single thing that would upset Giichi every time it was brought up. Han was recognized everywhere and people would talk about his quick rise to success. Then they'd see who he was with and have no idea who Giichi was. He was practically invisible to the world even within the Omi Alliance. No matter what he did he could never escape the Dragon King's shadow.

This tension did disappear for a while when Han and Emi found out they were having a baby. Giichi was overjoyed for his friend because although they never talked about it Han didn't grow up with any family. The ramen chef was the one who Han lived with when he was young and that's why he never had to pay for the bowls of ramen unless he ordered an extra bowl for Giichi. Han didn't even need to think about who his son's Godfather would be. Giichi said yes the moment he was asked and after 9 months Ryu Tatsuya was born. After a month or 2 after Ryu's birth Han and Emi got married with Giichi as the best man.

Unfortunately the tension came back even worse than it had been. When everyone in the Omi heard about Han asking Giichi to be the Godfather they would whisper after Han left. They couldn't figure out why Han would entrust his kid with Giichi over someone in his clan. Now Giichi had to hear about how he'd never catch up to Han, and that he was apparently not strong enough to be trusted with his best friend's kid. That was what it all boiled down to for Giichi strength. It was why he couldn't compare to Han, it was why he wasn't able to join Han's clan, and now it was why people thought he shouldn't have been named Ryu's Godfather. Giichi couldn't have been more wrong though about most of it. Han truly just wasn't thinking when he didn't ask Giichi to join, and the people talking about the Godfather decision was because they'd noticed the tension between the 2 men. The only thing that was truly because of the difference in strength was people not knowing Giichi because Han had taken the spotlight unknowingly.

One day though any thought of the tension between them came to an abrupt end. A rival Yakuza group that had tried to muscle into Sotenbori had sent proof of their intent to take over by killing Giichi. When Jin Goda had found out about this he was beyond furious. He'd come to see Han and Giichi as something of sons. He debated not telling Han until after they were dealt with, but in the end decided he had a right to know his Sworn Brother's fate. That night was the night Han Tatsuya became a legend.

He was at home playing with his young son when he got the call from Jin Goda. Without a second thought he called his wife into the room to watch their son and left the house. Nobody knows exactly what happened to that Yakuza group that day except for Han himself. What is known for sure is that the Yakuza group was exterminated. Everyone knew who did it except Han was never even tried for their deaths. There was no proof he did anything, and of course the Omi and his wife provided him with an alibi for that night.

Han continued training/tutoring Ryuji Goda although the boy could tell his teacher was different from before. He just had no idea why until later down the line.

Flashback over back to the present.

Han finished up his story still not knowing about Giichi's plight or jealousy even after all these years. Ryu listened to his father happy to finally have the story of how his father became a legend. They met up with Kiryu, Masami, and the others and left the Bed of the Styx.

"Hey you guys hungry? I'm feeling like getting some Ramen." Han said as Ryu smiled.

"I could eat." Ryu said as instantly Masami agreed to go as well as Kenji. They'd missed hanging out with Ryu the last few days, and they were actually hungry as well. Majima and Kiryu also went with them, and Han led them all to a very familiar Ramen shop. They walked inside and Han sighed at the familiar setting.

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