Let The War Begin

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Ryu reached his apartment still in thought about what kind of fighting style his personal style would be. He was still going to train in the other styles like Rush, Beast, and Brawler but it would be helpful to have an unique style. Ryu was used to using his hands since he boxed, but his feet are sloppy since he only started using them in fights more recently. So his style should focus on hands, but not completely neglect kicks. He didn't want to use a weapon either like Masami did. He decided to sleep since if he didn't stop thinking about it soon he'd be up all night planning his fighting style.

When Ryu woke up he texted everyone that he was going to be training for a few days, so if he wasn't around or communicating that's why. Kenji and Masami wanted to know what he was working on, but Majima and Kiryu didn't ask. Ryu figured his dad told them last night about their little fight and Han's advice to him about creating his own style.

2 days after Ryu began training 3rd person POV:

Kenji wasn't someone who avoided fights, and neither was Masami, but right now they were starting to rethink that. Kokoro had apparently sent word to all her clients that Masami, Kenji, Ryu, and just about anyone in the Majima family was to be attacked on sight. Now this didn't necessarily mean they were constantly being attacked because the people under Kokoro's control weren't idiots. But if they were in a large enough group they'd attack without question feeling like sheer numbers will eventually overwhelm them.

"I'm getting really pissed at this!" Kenji yelled as he threw a monstrous hook hitting 3 opponents and knocking them all out.

"So am I!" Masami yelled back hitting 2 enemies with her bat before spin kicking a third opponent in the chest.

"We can't even do a basic collections run because we don't know if our clients are also Kokoro's clients." Kenji said as he lifted a guy up and threw him into a group of people knocking them all down.

"This would be a helluva lot easier if Ryu were here." Masami said as she knocked somebody in the side of the head with her bat.

"He'd better be a lot stronger when he's done training or so help me God I'm going to beat the ever living shit out of him." Kenji said as someone grabbed him from behind. Kenji simply threw his head back and headbutted the guy holding him.

"I should've figured this trash wouldn't be enough to take down fighters like you 2." A man's voice said as Masami and Kenji looked over to see the speaker. The assailants who were out for blood just a moment ago seemed to go deathly still. It was like they were afraid to even breath in this man's presence.

"Who the hell are ya?" Masami asked slinging her bat over her shoulder. The man was just standing a few feet away from them now. He had long black hair and wore a fox mask. He was also wearing a a black pullover hoodie and black jeans.

"Nobody you need to concern yourselves with yet. I'm simply here to get Ryu Tatsuya's attention. See his dad thinks he could be a challenge for me, and well I really wanna prove him wrong by beating his son so bad nobody will be able to recognize him." Homura said as his purple aura flared out at the last sentence. Masami's eyes widened and you could see her tense up at Homura's words. She was angry and that's what Homura wanted. After all an angry fighter is a predictable fighter.

Masami rushed at Homura yellow heat coming off her. Homura smirked under his mask unlike when he fought Han he had actual confidence he could win this fight. As Masami neared him ready to swing her bat Homura's fist connected square with her nose. It was so fast she couldn't process it, but after fighting so much over the last couple of days that was all it took to rob her of her remaining stamina. Masami collapsed unconscious as Homura caught her bat that went flying up in the air after she was knocked down.

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