Newborn Dragon

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I had been training with Bacchus, Miss Tatsu, and Kamoji for about 2 weeks now. They were more than pleased with my progress saying I was progressing as fast if not faster than Kiryu. I knew all the rumors about my dad possibly being stronger than Kiryu, and honestly I believe he is. I've seen him fight, and there's a feeling I always got seeing him in action. His fighting was all about freedom, and that made him dangerous. You can't predict his movements because he does whatever comes to him in the moment, and he has the physical ability to pull off some amazing things.

I always tried to be as free as possible when fighting, but I don't think I'll ever give off the same feeling as my father. Kiryu had been around to check on my progress, and to make sure that I was doing alright. Though soon he wouldn't be able to do that he was moving to Fukuoka in a few days. Apparently he made a deal with someone regarding his adoptive daughter, and thought moving out of the area was the best decision he could make. It wasn't my place to say anything, but I know from experience that his daughter wouldn't be truly happy unless her dad was around.

I've been training with Kenji, and we had formed a friendly rivalry. I've also been quickly gaining infamy as a member of the Majima Family. The Omi grunts would just leave if they saw I was defending a store unless they had enough numbers, or someone they believed strong enough to even the odds. Police presence had increased recently, but I have no clue why. I've been so focused on training I haven't checked up on the news. Though Kenji, Kiryu, and Masami keep giving me these looks like they're concerned about something. I was walking by the outside mall when I saw an electronic store playing the news on one of the TV's on display.

"After 2 weeks authorities are no closer to finding Han Tatsuya then they were when he originally escaped. The fugitive has bright white hair, green eyes, and stands around 6 feet tall. As of right now it is believed the he's after his son Ryu Tatsuya who is confirmed to be currently living in Sotenbori. This is Hana Suzuki with your breaking news update." The reporter said as I was shell shocked. I could hear the store owners whispering around me, but I could care less. I can't imagine my father breaking out of prison after all these years just to come after me. He must have something planned, and couldn't pull it off until now. So the only real question is what is he planning?

I walked to my apartment my mind feeling like it was moving a million miles a minute. I turned a corner to go into the small apartment complex when I felt someone place their hand on my shoulder. I instinctively knocked their hand off my shoulder, and entered a basic boxing stance. It was the kind of fighting I was learning from Kamoji. The Rush Style focused on evasion and combos. The strikes weren't damaging on their own, but the damage accumulates quickly when you land 3-5 hits in a row. My eyes widened when I saw who grabbed me.

I could see his green eyes that were like a mirror of my own, and I saw the white hair being hidden by the gray hoodie he was wearing. The man Infront of me was Han Tatsuya my father. I couldn't contain my anger, and I hit him with a quick left jab. He stumbled back a little from my punch, and I backed up and entered my personal fighting stance. From my crouched position I launched myself forward, and threw an overhand punch that collided with my father's nose. However I didn't feel his nose break like what happened when I normally hit someone this hard directly in the nose.

I threw a bombardment of punches at him, and they all landed perfectly. He wasn't even attempting to dodge them, but he didn't budge an inch since my first jab. I threw an uppercut with all my strength, and he did nothing to block or dodge. But his head didn't snap up, or even move he just took it like it was nothing. Then for the first time since I realized who was standing in front of me I looked in his eyes. I could see pride in them while he stared back at me with a light smile on his face. Then he stepped towards me, and I froze up as I felt his arms slowly wrap around me.

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