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Dad helped me get Masami back to The Grand, so that I could make sure she was safe and tell Majima and the others what happened. As I explained what happened I noticed something about Majima. I might not have known him long, but I expected him to be very vocal about Masami's condition. He was a very vocal and outspoken person, but Right now he was dead silent. It was kinda terrifying to me.

"The God Breaker's have made their move. From now on always expect an attack. Kokoro-san could have people attack us at any time." My dad said as Kiryu and Majima nodded. Kiryu was terrifying as well, but I expected him to be silent during my recount of what happened. I couldn't bring myself to look Majima or Kiryu in the eyes. There was an intensity in their eyes that made me feel like my heart would stop if I looked at it too long.

"She can't have that many people under her control in the city can she?" Kenji asked as my dad shook his head.

"Before I was arrested she had almost everyone in the city under her control. She's not a fighter, but she has connections." Dad explained as he sat down at the booth.

"Can you explain what you know about their organization?" Kiryu asked dad who sighed while nodding.

"Essentially they're a small but powerful organization. They have a total of four lieutenants, one head bodyguard, and then their leader. 2 of the lieutenants are focused on making money while the other 2 act as their bodyguards. The head bodyguard never leaves the leader's side from what I've heard, and the leader well I don't have any info on them. Kokoro is one of the money makers for them she's a drug dealer, and her product is more addictive than anything you'll find elsewhere." Dad explained as we all absorbed the information. We ordered some drinks and waited for Masami to wake up, and after a few minutes I heard a groan from next to me.

"What's goin' on?" Masami asked as she sat up.

"Thank God you're awake. I thought i was going to have to carry you home if you weren't up soon." I said trying to lighten the mood. It seemed to work as Kenji and dad chuckled.

"Ah she wouldn't have minded one bit. Maybe then I'd be a grandad soon." Dad said as my face went scarlet red at what he said as did Masami's. Everyone laughed at us and I couldn't help but laugh myself. It was nice hearing them all laugh after what had happened.

"Now Ryu-chan you know I like ya, but if you get Masa-chan pregnant you'll have to deal with me." Majima said as he grew a wide grin as I tried burying my face in the table as everyone laughed again.

"Now as much as I love teasing my son. We have to go there's something I need to show him." My dad said as I stood up confused. We said our goodbyes to everyone and I swear I heard Masami start scolding Majima. Dad and I walked outside and walked onto one of the bridges that connect the 2 halves of Sotenbori. We walked down the footpath by the river and I would've been worried about my dad being recognized by someone, but there was nobody else here. What'd you wanna tell me dad?" I asked as I put my hands in my pockets. It was late and getting cold so I wanted to get out of here as soon as possible.

"You fight well. Honestly I'm proud of your strength, but your fighting style or rather styles upset me a little. While having multiple styles gives you versatility you're accidentally slowing yourself down." Dad said as he walked a decent distance away from me. I was a little confused about what he was saying. How was I slowing myself down?

"Fight me. You'll notice it when you're fighting." Dad said as he entered his fighting stance. His arms were just dangling in front of him while he leaned forward slightly. He had no guard up, but I knew all too well that he could easily defend himself. I entered the Rush Style's stance which was basically a normal boxing stance. I rushed forward and threw a jab, but dad dodged it easily.

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