All These Years Later

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Sakura couldn't believe her eyes these people were insane. They started fighting the bodyguards without even caring that they were armed with knives and guns. Han she knew was crazy, and it seemed like everyone in his little group was even the kids. She also realized that like Han all these people were beasts when it came to fighting, but what had her in absolute shock was watching Ryu dodge a bullet. A guard with quick enough reflexes had actually drawn his gun and shot at The young man. Ryu had simply dodged it like it was easy, and thankfully the bullet only hit the wall of the restaurant. After knocking out all the guards and Kokoro Kenji came back in his face a bloody mess. He dragged Akio back inside and they waited for them to wake up. After about 10 minutes they woke up and saw themselves surrounded by 3 legends and the kids who had proved themselves to be strong.

"Wha...what happened?" Kokoro said as she woke up. She looked around and everyone could see the fear in her eyes at being caught like this. She wasn't a fighter she was a drug dealer.

"Sorry I lost." Akio said as he refused to look in Kenji's direction still being terrified of him.

"We've got some things we want to go over with you. If you comply maybe I won't break every bone in your body." Han said as a shiver went down Kokoro and Sakura's spines. Kokoro because she knew Han meant it and nobody here was her ally that she could count on. Sakura because well she knows Han would, and that he could. The only class Han paid any real attention to was anatomy. The reason was obvious he wanted to know exactly how to destroy the human body.

"What do you want to know?" She asked lowering her head in surrender.

"Who the hell is your leader?" Han asked as Kokoro sighed.

"We don't know his name. He's just obsessed with proving he's the strongest, and ya know what he might be. Homura can hardly hold a candle to him from what I've heard. Hell I haven't even seen his face before. Only the legitimate money maker and Homura have had that honor." Kokoro said as Han started brainstorming.

"Could be Belial, but last I heard he was running a Yakuza group in another part of Japan." Han thought reminiscing about his old highschool friends. Belial and Tetsu were 2 people in Han's life he thought he'd always have around. He'd met them when he and Giichi first started drifting apart, and they were thick as thieves from them until a certain incident. Now Han was an escaped convict, Tetsu was in jail, and Belial was a Yakuza boss.

"Where is your leader hiding?" Ryu asked as Akio broke out laughing.

"You think he's hiding? Why would he need to hide from you? There's a reason that while that impudent brat Homura is his bodyguard he's rarely ever around the boss. He's simply too strong for anyone, and he knows it so he walks around without fear. Besides if even we don't know what he looks like how's anyone going to recognize him?" Akio ranted before Kenji walked over and punched him in the jaw.

"You talk too damn much." Kenji said as Akio looked up at him the fear returning to his eyes.

"That's all we'll get out of them unfortunately." Majima said as he leaned back in a chair.

"I've got a few contacts within the police force. Give me a few seconds and I'll have people come here to arrest these guys." Kiryu said as he stepped outside.

"Hey old man why's this place a ghost town? You used to have a packed house every day." Han asked his adoptive father who smiled sadly.

"Han I'm getting old. I can only handle so many orders at once, and without any other employees I'm afraid I just can't handle a full restaurant alone like I used to." The old man said as Han looked like someone had hit him hard. It was a bitter pill to swallow realizing how much he'd missed being locked up. His son grew up without him around, his father needed help but Han knew he'd be too stubborn to ask anyone for it.

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