War Ends

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Han was waiting for Giichi at the place it all began. He'd cleared out Club Sega by having Kiryu call ahead of time and warn the staff, so they closed up early. As he waited for his oldest friend to arrive he thought back to his other old friends. Namely Tetsu "Iron Fist" Mendokusai and Belial his old gang. They were absolute monsters especially back in their prime, but now they were all scattered. Tetsu's son Tatsuyu had gotten into a huge mess a couple years ago after joining a gang, but that was all Han really knew of that situation. Actually Belial's son Akuma Sayuri was wrapped up in that same mess.

Han sighed wishing life had panned out differently. He wished he could be sitting at a bar with Tetsu, Belial, and Giichi just talking about their kids. Maybe reminiscing about how similar the sons are to their fathers. Unfortunately Tetsu went and got arrested like Han had, and Belial and his son don't get along at all. Han walked over to the UFO Catcher still in the same spot it had been all those years ago. He placed his hand on the glass that separated him from the prizes.

"So after all this time we end up back here. Back to where it all began." Giichi said having come in while Han was caught up in his thoughts. One look at either man and you could tell they were prepared for this fight, but neither seemed particularly happy about it.

"What began here? Our descent into the underworld? Me and Emi's relationship? Tetsu, Belial, you, and I deciding to start our own group? We've had a lot happen in this place Giichi." Han asked his best friend. The blonde man looked over at the reborn Dragon King not with excitement, anger, hatred, or any emotion you'd expect from a man who was so adamant about fighting. He looked sad and like a moment he'd been dreading had started and he couldn't stop it.

"Was hoping you'd look happier or angrier about our fight. I mean I'm the man who killed your wife, and got you arrested so your son was alone." Giichi said admitting his guilt to the man who knew him best.

"If this had happened even a couple years ago I probably would be in an absolute rage, but now I'm just sad and disappointed. Why her Giichi? Why Emi?" Han asked just wanting an answer for why Giichi had caused his life to spiral.

"She found out. She passed me on the street one day, and even though I had dyed my hair, worn a mask, and a big heavy jacket she knew me right away. I couldn't have her ruin my plan. I'd spent too much time preparing to let it go to waste because of one mistake." Giichi said as he sat on one of the stools provided for the fighting games.

"Your eyes. Emi could always tell people apart by nothing more than their eyes. Used to tell me that I couldn't hide anything from her cause my eyes always told the truth." Han choked out as he teared up thinking about the times he'd had with his wife.

"Funny we were supposed to just fight and be done with it. But here we are reminiscing like a buncha old fossils. We did it Han we got old." Giichi said as he leaned forward. In the blink of an eye Giichi had picked up the stool he'd been sitting on, and swung it down at Han. Han blocked the attack easily, and landed a quick combination to Giichi's face. Unlike last time Giichi's head snapped back instead of him just tanking the punches.

"Not bad. You really did reawaken the Dragon King. You're as strong as ever." Giichi said as he kept swinging at Han with the gaming stool. He'd been waiting for this for a long time. Han represented the peak of strength to Giichi because he's never known anyone stronger Tetsu and Belial were close but they weren't like Han. Giichi didn't sense it from them. He didn't sense that he was in the presence of a monster. They were certainly prodigies, and very strong fighters, but to Giichi Han was always on a higher level. He was convinced that unlike himself, Tetsu, and Belial who had been born human and became monsters he was convinced Han was born a monster and slowly became more human.

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