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It's been three days, and Atsumu keeps following Sakusa around the campus. He even took down notes of the classes Sakusa is taking, and writing it down under the heading Mr. Grumpypants' schedule with a winky face which he worked on during one of his breaks from classes.

Kuroo laughed at Atsumu being attracted to Nerdyglasses as the roosterhead addressed Kiyoomi.

"Why are you trying your best flirting with him anyway? There are so many attractive guys in our department... so why does it have to be Nerdyglasses?" Kuroo teased as he drinks his apple flavored juice

"Flirting? I'm not flirting with him."

"And what exactly do you think you're doing, Tsumu?" the other asked with a smirk on his face.

Atsumu just stared at him and shrugged his shoulders

"Many guys are drooling over you, Tsumu... Why are you ignoring them, and just focusing on that loser?" Kuroo asked, this time his face turns grim.
"I don't like Nerdyglasses, Atsumu" he added.

"Don't call him a loser, and don't ya do anything stupid, Kuroo." Atsumu warned glaring at the roosterhead.

"Woooah... Fine. Fine." Kuroo responded with a chuckle.
"I'm just kidding here.. You're so tense."

Atsumu ignored him and continued working on Kiyoomi's schedule.

Kuroo looked at Atsumu as the second is smiling widely, proud of his work. The taller clicked his tongue looking away.

Atsumu may be approachable and has jolly personality, but Kuroo knew that the blonde is someone difficult to mess up with. Atsumu has been into jail once for beating up someone, almost killing the poor guy who bullied Osamu... His records' been cleared up by his family, but Atsumu's reputation remains as is... The ruthless king of aggression.

Kuroo couldn't deny the fact that he's scared going against the smaller male, so as they say if you can't beat them, join them... Besides, Atsumu is still his bestfriend, so he doesn't want to hurt him or get hurt by arguing with the blonde.

Okay... Enough with Kuroo's thoughts... Let's go back to Atsumu simping over his Omi-kun.

In between classes, Atsumu Miya would show up, trying to get his Kiyoomi's attention.

Atsumu maybe stupid and all, and sometimes he doesn't think straight... and his sexuality matches with it. He isn't confused about his gender, just curious.

He just wanted to get to know the black haired guy... and whatever purposes it may be. Atsumu has been popular since High School for dating gorgeous beauties and hot guys... aside from being the troublemaker of course.

But Kiyoomi Sakusa, let's just say, isn't actually Atsumu's type for a guy... so he's purpose for bugging the guy is not for sexual desire or anything like that. It's more like curiosity rather than attraction.

For Sakusa, it's annoying having someone tailing you around especially that the blonde is attracting so much attention from everyone in the campus. Atsumu is a head-turner kind of guy, he's attractive and easy to approach maybe because of his appealing personality and Kiyoomi couldn't deny that fact.

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