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"Ya should really smile more often, Kiyoomi. It... really suits ya."

"I only smile when I'm with you." Kiyoomi replied walking faster than earlier, going ahead of the blonde.


"Nothing... Come on... The arcade's gonna be closed soon." Sakusa continued as Atsumu was tailing at him from behind.

Unexpectedly, just a block away from the arcades, a very familiar someone (for Atsumu of course) walked in front of the blonde and Kiyoomi blocking their way.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! TsumTsum!" a tall two toned guy greeted with a wide smile.

At first glance, you could say, he's gentle and jolly by how he smiles and greets other people. He is taller than Atsumu and Kiyoomi as well, with more defined muscular built.

Atsumu quickly walked in front of Sakusa, placing his left arm in front of the latter.
"What... do you need, Bokuto?" he asked glaring

"You don't have to look at me like that, TsumTsum.. Come on... We're friends, aren't we?" he said walking near the two

Atsumu stepped back making Sakusa do the same.

"Never seen you this scared, Tsumu... Are you getting soft or is it because of this guy?" Bokuto asked without erasing his smile.

"Don'tcha dare touch him!" Atsumu warned sending death stares to the guy in front of him

Bokuto Kōtarō used to be Atsumu's right hand man in the gang they named as Golden Arrow. When Atsumu decided to leave the group, its members dispersed as well, but the story didn't end there.

There are so many stories to tell, and reasons to discuss, but to make the long story short, Atsumu didn't get any approval for his actions from anyone in the group. Bokuto remains faithful to him after all they were friends, but it just changed after that accident which almost killed Bokuto's confidante and partner, Keiji Akaashi.

"I won't." the owl head answered and leaned to whisper on Atsumu's ear
"..for now.. Just come with me for a sec..."

"So, Nerdy, do you think I could borrow, TsumTsum for a little while before you continue with your date?" he asked lifting his face and smiling at the ravenhead


"Omi! I'll just have a chitchat with this old friend of mine, okay? Wait here." Atsumu glanced at Sakusa with a smile which faded as soon as he faced Bokuto again

"Don't worry, my friends here are gonna watch your 'friend', TsumTsum" and as soon as it was said few men wearing hoodies, with tattoos and piercing appeared out of the corner.

Sakusa knew something is wrong but he doesn't really know what to do, and all he could manage is to stay there and wait for Atsumu...

The tall owl head placed his right arm around Atsumu's shoulder, and the two walked into the alleyway.

"Remember when you gave me a hard time, TsumTsum? Or Akaashi perhaps?" Bokuto began.

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