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"I... I'm going crazy... am I, Tsumu?" Kuroo yelped crying to Atsumu, hugging the blonde.

His throat started to sound hoarse, but he never lets go of Atsumu. He kept saying sorry, but the blonde assured him that everything is fine.

They are still slumped down into the floor, while Kiyoomi just woke up and saw how the two were crying. After realizing that Kiyoomi was up, Kuroo voluntarily untied the guy from the chair. He bowed his head and apologize, but Kiyoomi still felt threatened by Kuroo's presence.

"I... I won't hurt anyone... Please... Help me.." Kuroo begged asking for Kiyoomi to believe him.

"Give... Give me.. the gun, then..." Kiyoomi ordered which was quickly obeyed by the rooster head.

How could he trust someone like Kuroo?!?! He put him and Atsumu in grave danger few minutes ago... and Kiyoomi wouldn't take the risk this time

Kiyoomi slowly walked near Atsumu who is just staring at them, clutching his right leg, trembling in pain.

"A..Atsu... " he began and caressed the blonde's cheek.

Tsumu placed his hand over Kiyoomi's and smiled a little.
"I'm glad ye'r fine, Omi... I... I'm fine.. don't worry-"

"Lend me your phone... I'll call Osamu." Kiyoomi said with low tone.

In less than 10 minutes, Osamu, an ambulance, and some school administrators arrived in the old building.

The two, Atsumu and Kiyoomi, were taken to the hospital. Kiyoomi surrendered the gun to the security guard before they were brought to the vehicle.

Osamu worriedly stayed with the two, while Kuroo was taken under a rehabilitation custody. The rooster head admitted that he had taken the gun inside the campus during a Sunday morning before a basketball match... He cried yet again out of guilt. He admitted as well that he had been taking anti-depressant drugs recently, and over-used them somehow.

"Atsumu must stay here for the next two months, Sakusa-kun.. I'm sorry that ya have to be involved-" Osamu started as he visited Kiyoomi that night

"I told you, I won't regret anything... staying by his side is my choice... Atsumu... he is... my world, Osamu." Kiyoomi smiled a little facing the ceiling

"Ya... fell for him?" the younger twin looked more worried this time.

Kiyoomi hummed in response and looked back at Osamu.
"I know what you're thinking... but I want to protect him even if I'm weaker... I want to be with him... I want him to find the strength in me. I want him to be mine, Osamu." Kiyoomi said, tears building in his eyes... He couldn't believe that what had happened will make him realize how much he cares, values, and loves Atsumu.

"I... trust ya... I trust ya to be there for Tsumu..." Osamu replied bowing his head, brushing the tears in his eyes which continuously fall into the hospital floor.

"I.. appreciate that, Osamu-"

"KIYOOOOMI!!!" Bokuto bursted inside the room, being followed by Akaashi, apologizing by the sudden intrusion.

As they settle inside the room, Osamu excused himself to go see Atsumu in the next room.

"So, how are you?" Keiji started.

"Things happened so fast that I-"

"I can't believe Kuroo would do that!!!!" Bokuto yelled

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