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"Come on... Faster, Omi~!" Atsumu yelled.

"Stop dragging yer feet! Lift them up and run faster!!!" Atsumu advised as he more likely yanked the nerdy Kiyoomi towards the library

"What are ya, an old man!?! Faster!" he continued as the other is panting heavily, and trying his best to carry his bag properly, and books, and once in a while pushing his eyeglasses up to his eyes.

"Atsu...mu.. where.. on Earth.. are you... even.. taking... me?" Kiyoomi panted as they halt in front of the library. The corridor is almost empty since the second class will begin in less than 30 minutes.

"Ya said, ya'll do everything, right?"

"Yeah" Kiyoomi replied, bending his knees a little, and placing his both hands on them as he catch his breathe.

"Ya should really exercise sometimes, Omi." Atsumu suggestively said with a smirk

"I.. I do... exercise.. aaah... mental exercises like playing chess and sometimes play go with the old man in the temple-" the taller replied and lowered his head to breath

"What the-... that's not what I meant ya know that, right? Thought ye'r smart, e, Omi! And what are ya an old man, really?!" Atsumu teased laughing

Kiyoomi lifted his face and saw how Atsumu is laughing at him. He's beautiful. He wanted to tell him to shut up, but he just stared at the blonde in front of him...

"What? Something on my face?" Atsumu asked tilting his head a little wondering why the ravenhead has been staring at him for the last 30 seconds

Kiyoomi shook his head.
"You're beau-..." he mumbled to himself

"What? What was that?" Atsumu curiously asked leaning forward towards Kiyoomi.

The ravenhead instantly looked away, feeling warmth raising into his face as the blonde closed the gap between them. He stood properly, and fixed his glasses on his nose bridge trying his best to avoid eye contact with Atsumu who is staring at him (with awe, but Kiyoomi can't actually tell)

"So, what.. do you want... me to do? Is it really to do physical exercises?" Kiyoomi asked as he got his composure back and faced the famous Atsumu Miya

"Wha!? Hell nah! I want ya to tell me the truth and I'll forgive ya, Omi"

"Wha.. What truth?" Sakusa replied fidgeting with the strap of his bag.

"Yeah, the truth..." the blonde repeated and looked at Sakusa
"Ya said ya'll do everything, right?"

"Yes..." Sakusa answered standing straight and facing Atsumu

"Besides, I clearly remember somethin' ya said... 'I FUCKING HATE YOU!' last Friday!" Atsumu mockingly mimic Kiyoomi.

The said man flinched looking at the blonde.

"Then, now saying that you'll do everything to earn my forgiveness... aren't ya beginning ta be soft, Kyooomi?" Atsumu continued teasing.

"Aaarg... O..Okay... So, what do you.. wanna know then?" Sakusa asked wondering what this truth is all about..

"Are you... Do you have... feelings for... Mako- sensei?" Atsumu asked flinching at his own question.

It was a damn 3 minutes of silence and staring contest between the two contestants, I mean... nevermind you get it.

"I want the truth, Omi." Atsumu reminded him and the said man let out a sigh.

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