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"Do you think we could talk somewhere more private, Nerdyglasses?" he asked Sakusa with a grim smile.

He seems different. Something about him is dark, the air around him is suffocating in a very weird way, and he is being completely out of character... Sakusa thought as he looked at the other.

"I just have something to discuss about Atsumu." he continued.

Sakusa frowned, but nodded as soon as Atsumu's name was mentioned by him.

He lead Kiyoomi to the old university building, where the History Department was once situated.

Kuroo opened the door to an abandoned classroom, and let Sakusa walk in first before the rooster head follows, shutting the door behind him.

"Hey! Have ya seen Omi?" Atsumu asked other students in the library as he dropped by there to meet with his friend

"Omi?" one of the girls from their class asked.

"Ahmm.. Kiyoomi Sakusa." Atsumu replied with a small smile leaning on the table.

"Ah! Sakusa-kun. I don't think I have seen him-" she said but was abruptly stopped by a nudge by her seatmate.

"We saw him, Aya! Are you that preoccupied? Don't you remember? I even talked to him earlier. He is just walking behind us after class and heading here as well."

"Oh, right... My bad. Sorry, Atsumu-kun... I am completely busy with my thoughts." the Aya girl apologized

"It's fine... So, where is he now?" Atsumu inquired looking at the other girl who seems to pay much more attention to her surroundings compare to Aya.

Atsumu started looking around the library afterwards.

"He left with your bestfriend, I think an hour ago. The roosterhead" the girl continued

"My... bestfriend? Ya mean Kuroo?" Atsumu chuckled first with the description before asking

"Yeah, that Kuroo Tetsurou. The basketball player." she confirmed with a smile.

"Where did they go anyway?" Atsu curiously asked. Kuroo may never say it, but the blonde thinks, the roosterhead hated Kiyoomi for some unknown reason...

So, knowing that they are together somewhere makes Atsumu wonder in confusion and he actually doesn't know what to think about it.

"Well, we got no idea... they just left-" the other girl responded but was cut off by one of the males sitting near them

"I heard them talking about you, Miya... and headed at the old building exactly (checks his watch), an hour and 15 minutes ago." he said side glancing Atsumu before focusing on his book again

"About me? Woaah. Why would they go there?!?" Atsumu gasped loudly gaining shhhh everywhere inside the library.

He pursed his lips, and lowered his head in embarrassment.

"Why don't you just call your bestfriend?" Aya, the girl, suggested making the blonde grin widely.

"Right!!! Thanks!" the older Miya whispered yelled exiting the library

The Best Scumbag Ever |  SakuAtsuDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora