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"Why don't you pay them a visit, Atsu?" Kiyoomi asked as the three of them were eating dinner at Atsumu's apartment that same night.

The twins almost choked, and dumbfoundedly stared at the ravenhead.

"Didja hit yer head or something?" Osamu asked bewildered.
"Ya know what Bokuto just did few hours ago, right?"

"It's a misunderstanding, isn't it? You couldn't fix that without communication. If you will just keep quiet, Bokuto wouldn't know the truth." Kiyoomi said nonchalantly eating his ramen.

"But... I don't think it's a good idea at the moment, Sakusa-kun." Osamu replied focusing his eyes to his brother.

"But, ya know, Samu... Omi's probably right about it. I have been keeping this to myself for so long... and I... think, Bokkun needs to know the truth one way or another" Atsumu looked up from his plate and glanced at Osamu

The gray head obviously showed a worried face before he looked at Sakusa who just said spoke up.

"I'll go with him. You don't have to worry. I may not be the type of person good with fist, but I have a clear mind, so I'll know what to do."

Atsumu looked up at Sakusa, and smiled. His face turned red, as Kiyoomi added something more.

"I'll take good care of Atsumu, Samu... Don't worry."

Atsumu started smiling broadly, but bit his bottom lip as he tried suppressing it.

Dang it... Omi... What the actual hell!!!!!! Atsumu freaked out internally.... And Osamu noticed how Atsumu just turned into a totally different person. He smiled to himself.. Someone's prob'ly in love.

After three days, Atsumu finally decided to visit Akaashi in the hospital. Bokuto was not there, so the blonde just sat down beside the bed caressing Akaashi's cheeks.

The blonde felt his warm tears in his cheeks as he continuously apologize to Keiji. Sakusa was there, sitting in the couch watching Atsumu.

Few minutes passed, and the owl head barged in pulling Atsumu away from his boyfriend.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT FROM AKAASHI THIS TIME?!?!"  Bokuto shouted making Sakusa and Atsumu flinched.

Bokuto slowly walked beside Keiji, and slightly graze his fingers in Akaashi's soft white hand.

"I'm sorry, Kaashi... but I have to push them away from you... so they won't hurt you more-" Bokuto apologized caressing Keiji's cheeks.

"Bo... I... I just came here to explain-"

"WHO THE HELL WANTS TO HEAR A LIE YOU MAY HAVE PRACTICED OVER AND OVER AGAIN?!?" He snapped grabbing Atsumu's neck and pushing the blonde to the wall.

Sakusa stood from the couch, and watch everything happens. He's so shocked that it feels like he's frozen at that very moment.. Though he said he has the clear mind, he still baffled on what to do....

"I WON'T BUY ANY OF IT, BASTARD! YOU RUINED KEIJI'S LIFE! YOU RUINED MINE! YOU RUINED EVERYONE'S LIFE!!!!" Bokuto yelled angrily, tightly holding Atsumu's collar, and neck

"B...Bo.. P..Please... Li... Liste..n.. I..."

Sakusa, hearing how Atsumu struggled breathing rushed towards the taller owl head and grabbed the latter's arm.

"Let go of him!"

Bokuto glared at him, but continuously choke the blonde, pushing Atsumu more towards the wall.

The Best Scumbag Ever |  SakuAtsuDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora