My Fishy Boyfriend 6

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Clae's P.O.V

At the top of the stairs, I found a light switch and cautiously ran my finger over it, anxious on what might be lit in the basement. But before I flipped it on I saw a faint green glow come from around the corner. Melodi was right behind me, my hand still lay over the light switch.

"Clae," Melodi's voice echoed through the basement, "turn on the light."

I flipped the switch, fluorescent lights buzzed on above us revealing a spiral staircase.

We crept around the corner of the spiral staircase. The curious glow was a bright green and grew brighter as we got closer.

Something was off, I felt weird like this glow was a type of warning to anyone who came across it, to walk in the other direction.

We looped around the last bit of stairs and stepped onto cement, the cold wafted all around us. "Why is it so cold?"

Melodi shrugged, "I'm not sure."

What I saw next both shocked and terrified me all at once. In a large cylinder tank swam a mermaid. Her green tail was glowing a color unlike I had ever seen before.

Melodi gasped and ran to the tank. She pressed her hands firmly to the glass, making the water splash against the side.

The mermaid had her back to the both of us but she quickly turned after Melodi touched the glass.

We locked eyes, I didn't know her. I mentally sighed and thought she might be from the Indian Ocean. I felt her touch my mind, Minite. I let her past my mind block and she picked over my brain respectively.

Her eyelids had found their way down to Melodi. Her short indigo hair floated around her tanned skinny face. She wasn't very tall for a mermaid and her tail seem different than where I came from. It was a murky green with fanning fins that came up to where a mermaid would normally have a shell top. Around her neck was an thick brown amulet that reflected the fluorescent lights.

She spoke in my head, 'Can you help me?'

I nodded and responded, 'What is your name?'


'My name is Clae. And she is Melodi.'

Melodi was oblivious to our conversation, she was walking around the basement looking at her father's obsession with mermaids. He had several pictures of Melodi and various mermaids on his walls.

'Why hasn't she changed?'

I starred at her in disbelief but then realised she had just been picking through my brain.

I shrugged, 'We can't figure out the secret.'

'If you help me, I might be able to help you.'

I nodded happily and walked closer to the 10ft tank. I examined it closely and realised that there was a small bolted door on the back. There was a key hole, then there means that there is a key around here somewhere.

"Melodi, help me find a key."

"Okay," she had her hands on a drawn mermaid picture. I looked down to it and realised it was the queen, her mother. She quickly folded the paper and stuck it in her pocket.

I searched the nearest desk and came up short.

"Looking for this?" A burly voice broke through the tight air that was in the basement. It was Melodi's father standing at the bottom of the stairs with his arm outstretched and the key danging from his hand.

My Fishy Boyfriend- (Under Revision)Where stories live. Discover now