My Fishy Boyfriend

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Sure, almost every girl wants a pony or a pretty dress but that's not even close to what little miss Melodi Manghorn had in mind. Young, 5 year old, stubborn Melodi was full of her own opinions. All she wanted was to be free, not caged like a dumb pet bird. Melodi wanted to be independent and un-controlled by her father.

Crossing her small arms, she sat on the park bench letting the cool ocean mist press against her face, beckoning her into its salty waters. Melodi had just ran from her furious so called father who had viciously slapped her for stating her own opinion. She touched her cheek and whimpered. Her tear stained face was red; Melodi sat there hating her father. She was both confused and angry. In a heated mess she stomped off despising her last name knowing it was his as well.

Melodi went down to the beach front and she plopped down in the hot sand. She sighed in defeat and strained her ears to hear her father crying out her name. Melodi quickly looked over her shoulder and then took off towards the large caves at one side of the beach.

Once she reached one of the caves, she slowed to a walk and proceeded into the large dark grotto. Melodi felt fear bite at her heart but she pushed it back down to the pit of her stomach. She became aware of the sudden splashing towards the back of the vague cave.Melodi sucked in her breath and pursued the noise. The light was slowly fading behind her as she walked. Her heart hammered harder in her chest because of what she saw at the end of the cavern. A blue tail. She gasped and her little skinny arms flew up to her mouth. There lay an equally as small anchored merboy. His red-brown hair was soaked and he looked at her with large ocean blue eyes. He was tied up in a fishing net that kept him from swimming away into a nearby pool that led to the ocean.

Melodi asked the merboy his name no longer afraid, he told her in a strong voice that his name was Clae Lockfin. Melodi smiled as she said hers and she reached for the net, Clae eyed her suspiciously. She hesitated and looked over her shoulder once more for her screeching father before reaching again this time not pausing. She pulled the net off Clae and he retreated until his back jabbed against the sharp rocks that lay behind him on the wall. Melodi looked at him curiously until he wordlessly jumped into a waiting pool that led away from the cool cave.

The only thing that kept Clae from leaving was Melodi's strangely inhuman eyes. They were not only filled with hate and disgust but likewise wonder and amazement. Her eyes were also magenta with light blue flecks. It is very common to have different color eyes in the merfolk world but not in the human world. Clae pushed the girl out of his mind as he swam on. Still, Clae had a funny feeling that he would be seeing her again.

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