My Fishy Boyfriend 3

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Melodi trailed behind Clae who was walking to briskly for her. She thought back to her room when her Father dropped out cold. She wanted to ask Clae what that was about but she couldn't find her voice.

"Clae.." She croaked.


"What did you do back there? In my room, something flashed."

"I can't tell you at the moment."

She walked confused and then tore her hand away from his."You can't tell me?"

"Not now. C'mon we have to keep moving."

Melodi noticed her surroundings and realised she was heading back towards Coltson Beach.

"Can you tell me where were going at least?" Annoyance dripped from her voice.

He looked back at Melodi knowing that she had stopped and that she wasn't going to move until she got some information out of Clae.

"Were going to the beach. Where we first met." He smiled.

"But we just met today? How can that-" She was interrupted by a swift grab of her hand.

Clae knew he should tell her sooner rather than later about the fact that he is a merman. But he couldn't bring himself to do it when he had the chance. Maybe in the morning.

As soon as they arrived at the beach they walked in the opposite direction that Melodi and Grover had walked not even an hour ago.

He could see it, and he smiled at the cave. Clae hoped that once Melodi saw the inside of the cave she would remember their time when they were little.

Once they got closer Melodi let go of Clae's hand and he turned his head to look at her. Melodi stared straight ahead and cautiously walked forward. Clae noticed the rush of the water and the retreat; he gazed at it longingly but then turned his attention back to Melodi. He realised she had walked further into the cave opening. He trailed after her and pranced around the tempting water, watching for pesky droplets.

Clae hadn't touched water recently or even got out of his human form for over a week now and he was starting to have withdraws. He knew he couldn't stay away for to long. Merpeople can change into a human but it drains their energy rather quickly. Clae could feel it even more now that he was so close to the water. He could smell and taste the salt on his tongue.

The cave was dark and the only source of illumination was that of the lonely moon. He followed her further in the dark cave.

"Hey Clae..." Melodi's voice dropped off slowly in realization. "I have been here before?"

Her questions sounded more rhetorical, so Clae decided against answering her out loud so he nodded instead.

Clae could barely make out Melodi in the dark cave so he fished around the walls for the candles and matches he's always kept in case of emergency lighting. The familiar sound of the match striking the box ignited the match tip and lighting the cave. He put the tip on the candle wick making the room light even more.

He could make out her face very clearly now, "Yes." Clae tried to keep voice even, but failed miserably.

Melodi knitted her brows together in thought and kneeled down to run her fingers through the cool water that filled up and drains in a small tide pool. She closed her eyes as soon at the water grazed her fingers.


There's water everywhere, surrounding the tiny girl. It swallows her whole, but she knows not to worry.

My Fishy Boyfriend- (Under Revision)Where stories live. Discover now