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Ah a small break. A few days to recover from a crazy week.

Harry made some of his dreams come true last week. Getting to watch it all happen and support him means the world to me.

Traveling is my favorite and least favorite part of touring. The days can be long and boring but it's also time that I get to spend snuggled up with Harry, just us hanging out. And I treasure that time so much.

These are days I also spend working. I answered some emails talked with my manger and had a meeting with a brand that I am working on my own line with. While in Ireland I also have a shoot for another campaign.

I am so lucky that I am able to work on the go and from anywhere so I can still travel with Harry.

Once in Ireland we settle into our hotel for the next few days and take in the view. And I took a nap.

"Baby." Harry whispers into my ear the second I showed any sign of waking up and then kisses it softly and then my cheek.

"Hm." I say barely awake yet wrapping my arms around him for him to hold me.

"Are you ready to go?" He says enthusiastically like I didn't just open my eyes.

"Go where?" I groan not ready to get up wondering what surprise he's come up with now.

"Watch the sunset with me." He says with a cheeky grin.

"You're lucky you're cute." I say taping his nose.

We walk on a path out back of the hotel hand in hand. The air is fresh, the water sounds peaceful, and the sky looks like a painting.

We don't say much on our walk just taking it all in enjoying the down time.

Harry picks out a little grassy spot we sit in. "I love this. Getting to watch you on stage every night is a blessing and getting to spend times like this with you are perfect." I say looking around and then back over to him.

"You know I think about you the whole time I'm on stage. Each song I sing to you." He says pulling me into him kissing my forehead.

"And I'm singing 'em right back to ya babe." I say with the same cheeky smile he always gives me.

"God sometimes I wanna just stop the show and bring you back stage quick." He says making me gasp. "What don't tell me it doesn't turn you on." He says as his smirk grows wider.

He lifts my chin to look at him crashing his lips on mine deepening the kiss pulling me on top of him. The kiss is hot and neither of us can seem get enough of each other as his hands roam my body.

I wouldn't lie, watching him on stage does turn me on.

Our kiss becomes more lustful as our bodies move together needing all of each other.

We spent the rest of the night laying out under the stars repeating stories from the last week, memories from last tour, and plans for the next few months.

A late morning cuddled in bed with Harry after a very late night was exactly what I needed.

I wouldn't care if we spent most days like this being lazy.

But Harry had other plans and can never sit still. He planned a day on the water with some friends.

A much needed relaxing day with friends. I could not be more grateful for Harry for having such and amazing team he works with that are friends, well family.

It makes touring a lot more fun when it's with people you love. Having days off getting to mess around with each other.

"I will never get over how lucky we are." Sarah says as I sit with her, the girls, and the baby laying in the sand.

Love On Tour II - Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now