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"Charli!" I yell running over to her as we almost knock each other over hugging each other so tightly.

"Rowan, I've missed you so much." Charli hugs me again. "It's not the same without you. But I've also never been more happy for you." Her last sentences almost makes me cry.

"But you know who I missed more." She partly jokes going over to Harry.

"It's so good to see you, Charli." Harry says pulling her into a hug. He takes her bags as we show her to her room.

"This whole room to myself, ah." She looks around before plopping down on the bed. "You're really living the life, Ro."

"It's pretty great." I agree.

"You two," She jolts up quickly eyeing us both down. "Have got to stop making the fandom lose their minds. You guys are insane and I'm in the middle of it all. It's not fair you guys just do things and expect everyone to be ok. And then I'm asked a million questions and not able to say anything." She explains as Harry and I just laugh.

"We are insane?" Harry jokes giving Charli a look.

"Rude." Charli scoffs at him. "But ya know I don't even care because I get to know all the juicy details and they don't. Like if you'll be singing medicine tonight?" She hopefully requests.

"Hmm, let me think." He taps his finger on his chin. "No."

"Uh, please for me." She begs. "You know the only reason you are dating my sister is because of me. It's the least you can do."

Watching them interact is so funny to me. Half the time Charli sees him as Harry Styles and the other half sees him as Harry my sisters boyfriend. They are constantly joking around and teasing each other making sarcastic comments.

"The only reason you're here right now is to watch my show, so I think I'll make the rules." He sasses back.

"Alright I think it's time we go to this garden." I suggest breaking up their sarcastic remarks. The one reason Charli wanted to come to the Netherlands show so badly was to see the tulips, apparently she read about it in some book and needed to see it. Harry was able to get a garden closed for an hour for just her.

We spent the time walking through the fields of colorful flowers. It was everything Charli dreamed about. This week is her main character moment she says.

First part of that was living out her dream of the garden. The rest is traveling the world watching Harry Styles concerts while exploring the new cities.

At the show she fit right in with the rest of the fans. She will never not be a fan of Harry's. We both this it's adorable.

She was really able to live her main character moment when fans were asking for pictures with both of us.

Typically I come out right as Harry does but Charli wanted to experience it all. She talked with some of them all freaking out as she gave little details about us. I just let them have their moment.

As badly as I'm sure she would love to tell them so much more most of the time, she knows what she should and shouldn't tell people.

Singing and dancing with her was so much fun.

"Tonight we have an extra special guest here with us." Harry said waving to Charli making her scream as if we weren't just with him backstage. "Thank you for being here and for giving me my greatest gift. This one's for you Char." He smirks as the notes begin to play making Charli go even crazier.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god." She screams breaking my ear drum. "Did you just see that?" See what I mean by her seeing him as Harry her sisters boyfriend one minute and Harry Styles the next.

Love On Tour II - Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now