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Emma, Sydney, and Hadley got here last night. And it was so good to finally see them again. I can't wait to spend the next few days with them. It definitely won't be long enough but we are going to have the time of our lives.

After they got here we got them settled into their hotel room. They had a really long travel day so we spent the rest of the night catching up in their room.

They needed every detail of my last month and a half. I could go on and on about everything we've done. From the beautiful cities we've visited, Harry's incredible performances, and all the sweet things we do together.

I was excited to hear about how everything is back home. I wouldn't change a thing but I do miss home, my friends, and family.

"Trust me, it's nothing crazy. Same boring things. Nothing compared to this. We just wanna live like a rockstar the next few days." Sydney slightly joked.

We could have spent all night sharing stories of our last few months since we've seen each other but they were all exhausted from their day of travel so it was an early night so we could all be rested for the next few days.

"They've already requested medicine." I said as I got in bed next to Harry. He smiled while shaking his head.

"Maybe if they're lucky." He pulled me into him kissing the top of my forehead. "I'm glad they could come see you, they're good friends."

"The best." I confirmed. "Syd's goal is to live like a rockstar this week."

"If she means heading to bed right after the show, she's got it down." Harry joked about his typical night. "Maybe I'll go out with ya one night. What is your guys plan while they're here?"

"Tomorrow we're gonna do some sightseeing, maybe come to the show. We will see if we can make it." I tried to hide my smile.

"Oh you'll see, huh?" Harry poked my sides kissing around my cheeks.

"Ok ok we will be there." I said in between giggles.

The next morning we got ready and went out into the city. We walked around the city, got some coffee while going around the typical tourist sights. Just being with them again made my heart so happy.

We met Harry and everyone back at the hotel before going over to the arena. Hanging out backstage was fulfilling Sydney's dreams.

"Now I just need my hot rockstar boyfriend and I'm good. Anyone single?" Sydney joked as we got ready.

"It would be so fun if we all got to do this together." I imagined.

"I can't believe this is your life. It's literally a movie." Hadley explained.

"Yeah you're welcome or whatever." Emma said as if I haven't thanked her a million times for convincing me to go see Harry that first time and for giving me a brain after I thought it was over.

"Emma I could thank you a thousand times and it still wouldn't explain how grateful I am you changed her stubborn mind." Harry pulled me into a side hug.

"Yeah whatever, we don't have to talk about it." I always get embarrassed thinking about how stupid I was. "But you know you mean the world to me. You all do I'm so happy you're here."

"Ok, Ms. I hate cheesy shit." Hadley teased me.

"Yeah well someone's pretty good at it so." I smiled rolling my eyes at them all.

"Who me?" Harry pretend to look around. "You guys have fun, I'll see ya out there." He gave them a wave.

"And you." Harry said pulling me into him.

Love On Tour II - Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now