Pride and Chivalry

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Hello My Beauties!!!! I really liked the last chapter, even though it was short...did you? I don't really have anything to say here. Enjoy chapter 11! :)


Chapter 11: Pride and Chivalry

"Ah, you two finally stopped touching each other long enough to travel downstairs? Great!"

Aaron and I stopped at the bottom of the stairs, glaring at Victorian.

I walked up to him and slapped the back of his head. "Stop being a pain," I said. "No one was touching anyone. You did say gather weapons, right?"

Victorian pouted as he rubbed the spot where I hit him gingerly. "Yes," he whined.

"Okay, then. So what is it we need to see?" I asked, shuffling my bookbag.

"Yeah, Fish and Chips, you rushed us down here, so-" Aaron began.

"'Fish and Chips?' Scarlett, you may want to reign your boyfriend in."

"Reign me in? Look, man-"

"Will you two shut up?!" Jarvis yelled, emerging from the hallway. "Stephanie and I could hear you two from the kitchen!"

"Yeah, what's all the arguing about?" She asked, coming in behind Jarvis.

"The two of them are participating in a chest-beating contest,which needs to end." I answered. Both Aaron and Victorian snorted but stayed silent. "It's around 4 o'clock now, meaning we have about 5 hours of daylight left. Wherever it is we want to "explore" needs to be in the area." I continued.

"Well, how about you see the car first? We've got a few things in there you should look at," Victorian suggested.

"Hold on, you guys have a car? That works?" Aaron asked.

"Yes," Stephanie said, cutting off Victorian with a look when he had opened his mouth to answer. In however long she had known him, she obviously knew the idiot would have just gotten Aaron riled up again.

"If we told you specifically, you wouldn't believe it, but, to be frank, they were all just sitting there. Seriously." Jarvis continued.


"The Jeeps, Amigo. The Jeeps were just sitting there."

"I got that, J. What do you mean, "'sitting there?'" Aaron shifted the bag hanging from his shoulder. "Explain."

"It really would be easier explained with the actual vehicle in front of us," Stephanie added. "It's kind of a see to believe thing."

"Fair enough. I'm ready to see if everyone else is ready to move," I finished.

"Alright, Lieutenant! Just like old times! It'll be great! Clandestine movements! Stealth! Sneaking-"

"Alex, it won't be clandestine if you keep yelling like that!" Stephanie chided.

Alex?, I thought. He hates just being called Alexander! She calls him Alex?

"Oh! Sorry, Steph! You know-" Stephanie gave him a look and his expression turned sheepish.

"Mademoiselle?" Jarvis called. He was standing near the door of the motel with his arms crossed.

"Victorian, pipe down. Stephanie, I'd like for you and Jarvis to lead us to the...Jeep. You," I pointed to Aaron and paused.

"Me?" He answered with a raised brow.

"Behave," I mouthed. Aaron scoffed and shook his head, but he said nothing.

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