Pick a Room, Kid

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Welcome to another chapter of FLOSS! :) I hope that when you read it, you enjoy it, and join my army of intellectual teddy bears. Anyhow, comment, fan, whatever the cool Wattpaders like you guys do. :3 This one is shorter, but slower paced. :) On with ze story!


Chapter 2: Pick a Room, Kid

I turned around in a half-circle and saw a motel. A nice one. "A motel? How convenient." My voice was injected with nothing but sarcasm. "I don't think so." With that, I turned back around, and started to walk back on the path.

"Where else is there?" Big-Guy questioned. "There's nothing around here and it's already dark. Soon enough, we won't be able to see anything." I stopped walking and rolled my eyes at myself.

He does make sense, my brain said.

Rotating on the balls of my feet, I walked back towards the motel. "Fine." We opened the door to reveal a large marble foyer. "This is awfully big for a motel. Really big."

"Almost too nice, huh?" he said.

I nodded silently. My feet moved slowly as I walked further in. I could hear Big-Guy's feet shuffling behind me and turned around to give him the "shh" gesture.

His eyebrows shot up and he rolled his eyes.

I laughed and nodded my head in agreement. Annoying. Looking to my left, I saw a curved set of stairs that led to the second floor of the building. In the opposite direction there were two doors and a hallway.

"We should split up and search the place," I suggested.

Big-Guy shook his head and spoke, "I don't think so. We have no idea what's in here and you want to walk around alone?"

"You know, we just met for the first time today."

He nodded like the statement was obvious, which it was.

"Which means that before then, I was fighting and taking care of myself just fine. I think I'm okay." I lifted my one eyebrow, and watched him wrestle with my words.

"That's true," he said. "But still, what if there's a horde hidden somewhere or something?"

I shrugged my shoulders and walked towards the stairs. "I'll take care of it."

I heard him mumbling something about "That girl and her damn pride," and saw him walk off in the direction of the hallway.

Climbing the stairs quietly, I noticed that the paint on the walls wasn't chipped or faded; it almost looked new. The rug wasn't as worn down as a normal motel's would be, and every lightbulb in the hallway burned with bright luminescence.

"What's an abandoned motel doing with electricity?" I mumbled to myself.

At the top of the stairs, I saw, to one side, six suite doors, and on the other side was a balcony type railing that overlooked the foyer. Walking to the door with a number "1" on it, I slowly opened it and scanned the room. Nothing. Onto number two.

This became the routine until I came across door number five.

Pushing open the door, I listened and waited for any sign of an attacker. When I didn't catch anything, I moved to close the door. Then I heard it; the slightest rustle of clothing. Sighing in annoyance, I took one of my katanas from the sheathes on my back, and moved toward the closet next to the bed.

Where are you hiding?, I thought.

Hearing a creak from the bathroom, I spun around and kicked the door in. A Hunter growled and ran at me full speed. I narrowed my eyes in concentration and then threw myself at it while swinging my sword behind me. At the last minute, I dropped to the ground and slid between its legs. I watched as it slammed into the wall and whipped around to take my katana through the chest. With a slight push and twist, the Hunter was dead. I pulled my sword out of its chest and moved to the sink to wash it. After moving out of the room and quickly and double-checking all of the suites, I moved back downstairs to check on Big-Guy.

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