Mexican Delicacies

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Hello my beautiful merpeople!! :) How are you guys? Good? I hope so.:) Anyone want to guess what "delicacy" Aaron and Scarlett will be having? Correct guesses get the next chapter dedicated to them! (This shows I have no life.-____-") Soccer and AP classes have had me working lately, but it's a calm day today. Anyhow, blah blah blah, I hope you all enjoy this chapter! <3


Chapter 3: Mexican Delicacies

I went to the stairs and ventured down to the lobby.

I may not be the only one who's unpredictable, I thought to myself. He's weird. Almost interesting.

That's called you liking someone, Scarlett, said my brain.

And that's not weird?


This argument consumed my thoughts so much that I hadn't noticed that I had stopped at the bottom of the stairs.

Standing in front of me, waving his hand in my face, Aaron said, "I repeat, the kitchen is this way." I followed his other arm's direction and saw a swinging door.

"Uh, right. Well, lead the way then."

He turned around walked towards the kitchen without another word.

I felt a small gasp go between my lips as I looked around the kitchen. The first thing my eyes saw was a stainless steel refrigerator across the wide open space. I walked over and listened to hum of the appliance. Turning in an awed circle, I caught glimpses of the entire kitchen, which looked like it came straight out of an interior designer's catalog. Aaron whistled and gave a low "I know."

I nodded my agreement and said, "Not bad."

"Definitely not," he said appreciatively. "I mean, I saw a bit while I was in here earlier, but I was kinda busy..."

I chuckled softly at the memory of Aaron struggling to fight the slicer and began walking around and opening cabinets around the kitchen.

"So how is it that a motel in a basically post-apocalyptic world has all of these luxuries?" I asked as I opened a drawer and pulled out a knife. Flipping it into the air, I spoke again. "We've got clean running water, electricity, state-of-the-art appliances, furniture, and video cameras." Each listing came with a flip of the knife. I waited for Aaron to respond, but when he didn't, I paused in my acrobatics act with the knife to look at him. His head was in the refrigerator.

"The food is new," he said. "Fresh veggies, meats, all of that."

I walked over and peered around his back to look into the fridge. Rows upon rows of foods and drinks were stacked neatly inside of it. I shook my head in confusion as I walked back to my spot across the kitchen. "Now adding 'copious amounts of food' to the list."

Caught up in my own mind, I didn't register Aaron moving around the kitchen, finding cooking utensils and asking me to step aside.

Snapping his fingers in front of my face, I focused on him and then rolled my eyes. "Yes?" I asked with exasperation.

"Whoa. Attitude. You're the one blocking the drawer that I need to get into."

"Oh. Sorry." I crossed over to the countertop next to the pantry, and hopped up and sat on it. Aaron ruffled through the drawer, found a knife, and turned back toward me with a look of mock surprise on his face. "What?"

"You just apologized," he said obviously.

I shrugged.

"I've known you about a day, and I can already tell you don't apologize."

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