Chapter 7 - The Quirk Talk

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"Ok, so I know what the word 'quirk' means, it's like someone that quirky like it's an aspect of their personality or behaviour. But the way you guys are saying it, you're using it in a different context, like it's something solid or there's more to it, so, please stop staring at me like that." Danny had rambled on trying to explain his question. The three adults and two teens were just staring at him with concern. 

Present Mic slinked down into the seat next to the bed.

"See, a quirk can be something physical, It's sort of like a superpower in a way. How can I explain it?" He rapped his finger against his chin in thought.

"It's like I can create explosions in the palm of my hands," Bakugo chimed from the doorway, the adults moved out of the way so that Danny could see him. He let off a small explosion from the palm of his left hand. Danny noticed the way Midoriya flinched ever so slightly, but he couldn't help but stare in wonder. "My quirk is called explosion, but it's not what you think, I swear nitroglycerin and can ignite it, I can't make explosions out of nowhere." Danny nods.

"I, think I get it, so like, you have a power."

"Yeah, but not everybody does," Midoriya piped up, "about twenty percent of the world's population is quickless with the majority of those being the elderly, that just means that they were born without a quirk and will never gain one." Danny took note of the not-so-subtle glances Bakugo shot Midoriya, but with Midoriya's focus being on Danny he didn't notice at all.

"What about those that were born without a quirk but gained one, say, in their teens?" Danny asked. A flash of panic flashed crossed Midoriya's face.

"There are such things as late bloomers," Aizawa decided it was time he spoke up, "they don't get their quirks at age four or five like the rest of them, most of the time their quirk will have needed a trigger, maybe something traumatic, maybe an age limit, but the latest a quirk has ever been documented was about eight to nine years old. It's unheard of for one to develop during teen years."

"Is that why I'm cuffed? Cause me getting a 'quirk' is unheard of?" 

"What? No, the cuff is for a different reason, but, did your quirk come in your teens?" Present Mic answered.

Danny nodded his head, "There was an accident with my parent's portal in the basement, I did have a 'quirk' before then. But..."

"Go on, say what's on your mind." Aizawa cut in, wanting to find out as much about the kid as possible.

"But nobody else has powers or 'quirks' where I'm from, I'm the only one." The room fell silent, a full town without any quirks was completely unheard of in modern society, "so, why am I cuffed then?" They silently applauded the teen's ability to change the subject.

"You're part of an ongoing investigation, when you're feeling well enough I'll need to take you down to the station for the lead detective to interview you, if not he can always come here," Aizawa informed. The next couple of days were going to be very long and confusing for everybody involved. But as Recovery Girl checked Danny over, Midoriya and Bakago were shooed back to the dorms, and Aizawa and Present Mic were hovering around the hospitalised teen like the worried teachers (parents) they were.

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