[5] A M N A

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I'm lying on the floor, the cold floor piercing through my bare skin, and I can only think of how frustrated I'm. Tahira continues yelling and reigning insults at me, and I continue staring at her. The stare that says, 'when you're exhausted, you'll let me be'.

"Stop looking at me, or I'll gouge your eyes out." I'm not at all scared of Tahira's treat. She can threaten me forever, but I still won't back down. She humiliates me this much and still wants to take my eyes away. My dress and veil is partly soaked with the soup Tahira poured over my head when she crunched a stone. I didn't prepare the food, I only served her, but she took all the anger out on me.

She leaves the door open intentionally, other maids passing by sees how I am being maltreated, but no one dares to stop Tahira. "... Stop staring at me like that!" she yells bitterly, "or I will be forced to hit you." I still didn't back down. She extends her balled fist; I shut my eyes tightly, eagerly waiting for the feel of her palm on my cheek and the stings that follows.

"Tahira" A deep voice calls out. I already feel whiffs of air close to my cheek, but the slap never comes. Only the tip of her fingers collides with my face lightly. She glares at me then turn to the caller of her name.

"You're back, my husband." A smile replaces the frown on her face. I'm looking down at the floor now, I can't see their expressions. I can only hear their voices.

"Yes, I'm, and who is this?" I know he must be pointing or looking at me.

"She's just the useless maid who made me chug sand down my throat." I fight all my nerves to prevent me from telling her that I'm not useless, and I didn't feed her sand. "Do I need to ask you to get out of my room?" I expect to hear the crown prince-zayd- caution her actions, but nothing comes.

I pick my long dress in my hands and rush out of her room. If possible, evacuate out of the palace entirely. No matter how patient one is, everyone has their limits. Therefore, people's emotions shouldn't be toyed with, but Tahira just toyed with mine.

I rush through the hallway, my vision blurs because of the tears already forming in my eyes. I can't see where I'm running towards, but I know I've to be far away from Tahira, far from everyone. I rest my back on the wall when I stop running. I slowly slide my body down the wall until I was sitting on the floor.

I duck my face in between my raised knee and I cry. I cry my heart out, I converted all my frustrations into fluid, into tears. I hear the sound of footsteps on the floor, but I ignore it. I'm overwhelmed by something else-my emotions.

I stop crying, but I'm still whimpering. My head hurts a lot. I know the reason for my tears is partly not because of Tahira's maltreatment. Occasionally we need tears to ease the pain we can't say to anyone except our creator. We talk to him and connect with him while in tears, and he hears it all.

I finally raise my head up and rub my palm on my face. I use the hem of my dress-my worn out old looking gown-to clean any remnant of tears on my face. I'm about to stand up, when I see someone standing close to me, but not close enough.

He wasn't here when I came.

He's in a guard uniform. I'm about to leave, but he stretches his hand. His hand isn't bare, there's a plain small white clothing in it. I'm hesitant to collect it, but it doesn't look like he's going to back down. I collect the clothing from him, and then he tucks his hand into his trouser pocket.

"Thank you." I say cleaning my face properly with the cloth. I see he's not attempting to leave, so I ask him, "How long have you been here?"

He looks down at his feet, he's avoiding my eyes. "Not long..." he shrugs, "just when you started crying."

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