[7] A M N A

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The two days given to me to look after my Jida has expired. I despise going back to the palace, but I don't have a choice. I need to make little dinars to keep me and my Jida alive.

Today is a bit different from other days. I feel like everything in the universe is stopping me from returning to the palace. Even the sun is scorchingly hot. At first, it was earlier this morning. I woke up to find my dress-a brown long gown-soaked in milk. I know it must be a cat that would have spilled it. I'd have taken that slight opportunity to stay a day more with Jida, but I dread Tahira's reaction. The words she told me when I ask for a break rings in my ear. 'Take two days off. Add another day, and you might as well stay home and never return.' It sounds appeasing, but I don't want to lose this job. I need it.

I sigh when the palace's entrance comes into view. Talking about the palace, I remember Jawad. I still have to thank him for standing up for me. I didn't expect that, but I'm grateful. The frightened expression Ayman had on was very pleasing to watch. That serves him right. I wouldn't have stopped Jawad, but he looked like he wanted to kill him. A part of me felt scared also. I shouldn't be the cause of the Amir commiting murder.

I remove the cloak over my shoulder and adjust the black veil over my head properly as I walk into the palace. I need to first change into the maid's uniform in my room-in the maid quarters-before starting with my today's chores. The strange feeling I felt when I was walking towards the palace resurfaces when I get to the maid's quarters.

I don't know whether I'm imagining things or people's gazes are lingering on me longer than it should. I pass through women sweeping the hallway leading to the maid quarters, but immediately they see me, they stop and start staring at me weirdly. I reduce my pace to watch them, do I have something on my face? I rub my face, but there's nothing there. Or do they need me to greet them?

"Assalamu alaykum." I say, but they are still silently watching me. Some are glaring at me. I avert my gaze from them quickly and continue walking to my room. I see some girls standing close to my room. They are murmuring, but immediately they see me. They are glaring at me. I push past them, but not after hearing one of them say 'whore.' Maybe they're talking about a story or another person because they can't call me a whore. Why are they standing in front of my room?

Dalia isn't in the room, but I see her slippers on the floor close to the wooden single bed. Meaning, she didn't go far. I pull my dress to change into the maid uniform, but I'm distant. I can't stop thinking of how all the women and maiden were looking at me. I can't think of a valid reason which might have caused such reaction.

I hear a commotion outside. The door is locked, but I can still hear someone yelling. I move closer to the door while braiding my hair into one piece. That's Dalia's voice. Why is she yelling? Dalia doesn't yell unless she's furious. "Move away from here. You don't have anything to do, but gossip? Find something to do. I'm sure you have numerous chores!" the door suddenly flings open. I shake because I didn't expect that. She closes it back with a loud thud.

Immediately Dalia sees me, I notice something. Her eyes are glistening with tears. It isn't falling, but it coats her white eyeballs. "Why are you cryi-" I stop when she suddenly hugs me tightly.

I draw circles with my hands on her back. "You can never do such, why are they lying against you." She whimpers against my neck. I break the hug to look at her because her words are only adding to my confusion and curiosity.

"What do you mean Dalia?" My eyes search hers. I squint my eyes. I'm trying to read her expression. I can only see worry and pity. "Dalia, talk to me!" I shake her shoulders, "I don't understand anything today, and everything is just-"

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