[20] J A W A D

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There is only one person in this room whose absence I notice.


I scan the room, which has all the superiors in the kingdom present, but Zayd is nowhere to be seen. Has Abi already broken the news to him?

Abi clears his throat, drawing the attention of everyone sitting in the room. My eyes focus on Abi, who is sitting on the majestic crafted wooden chair in front of the room. He drums his finger on the wooden, golden sprayed cover that runs over the length of the chair's hand. I know very well what Abi is about to break to everyone. I had no idea that it will be this early, but I'm ready nevertheless to take the responsibility. Though I'm worried about how Zayd will feel.

"I'm here to inform you of the decision I've made for the betterment of this kingdom." The room is silent. Everyone is eager to hear the news the sultan has to deliver. Most people have already heard of the rumours regarding the Kingdom being in danger, so many will like to know what can redeem them. "As we all know here, the kingdom is in danger as I speak. Nobody here is safe. We have to work together to save ourselves..." The people nod their heads in affirmation.

"For that reason, I, sultan of Dhahab kingdom chooses my son Jawad as the new crown prince..." I thought the room was silent, but now it is more than silent. It is like a deserted graveyard. "And also the next sultan when I return to my lord. He can't take this responsibility alone..." Abi head moves slowly in all direction his head can turn, to look at all the people present. "He needs your help. And I believe with Allah and our unity we will conquer like we always do." The word 'conquer' doesn't sound well in my ears for some reason. I should be happy to beat Wahda again, but I'm not. I want something else, peace. Can't we be at peace?

I guess the answer is no.

Whether to conquer or to let peace reign, I must protect the lives of Dhahab citizen. I'm accountable for their well-being.

The room is less silent now. They are some few murmurings getting to my ears, but there is something else noticeable to me, the people aren't displeased. Their eyes sparkle and their faces are full of joy.

"Amir Jawad!" one of the guards standing by the door yells, raising his sheathed sword upwards. The other guard close to him does the same. Some few people sitting in the room joins in. Before I can blink twice, everyone in the room is on their feet chanting my name happily. Some raise their fist while others raises their swords. I feel overjoyed, and this gives me more reason why I'll do anything to safeguard their lives.

They all turn to face me, still chanting my name. I stand from my seat to appreciate the love and solidarity they show to me. I raise my two hands up to silence them.

They slowly reduce their voices until they are all silent. I look up at Abi, whose chair is three stairs above the ground. He has a proud smile on, he nods his head, which signals me to continue with the speech I want to make.

"Shukran... for the love, it shows that we have unity. And with unity, we can't be broken. I promise to handle my responsibility properly and fight until my last drop of blood to ensure everyone in Dhahab is safe."

Another scream of jubilation breaks in at the end of my speech. They part like waves of sea as I begin to make way out of the room. I continue hearing song of praises in my name even when I'm out of the room.

Up to now, No any clue about the whereabouts of the trespasser have been found. I know it will be found-

I stop in my tracks when I spot someone sitting on a bench in the empty hallway with his head in between his laps. I don't have to see the face to know it is Zayd. He raises his head like he knows someone is standing over his head. He glares at me.

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