[11] A M N A

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A soothing sound penetrates my ears then goes into my heart. It makes me feel pleasant yet makes my state of slumber uncomfortable. The Adhan continues playing in my ears until I open my eyes and come in contact with the dimly lit room. The moon rays penetrate the room through the Mashrabiyya.

I wake up to these for the past five years: the Adhan, the moon rays, the body ache due to the hard wooden bed. Today is similar to my other days spent in the palace for five years, except one event.

Today is my wedding day. I'm getting married, and not to anyone, but the prince. I knew I'll get married someday, but I never imagined getting married to a prince-a strong and brave prince.

It feels like a dream. But if it were a dream, red henna won't be designed all over my hands and feet. I trace the beautiful flowery henna design drawn up to the middle of my forearm.

This is real Amna.

The Amira requested that I sleep in her room a night before, but I declined. I wanted to sleep in my room in the maid quarters for the last time. I wanted to live a normal life for the last time. Not only that, but I wanted to be with Dalia.

Talking about Dalia, I can hear her light snores from her bed adjacent mine. My lips curved into a smile. I'll miss her so much. I know I'll see her everyday because she quitted working as Tahira's maid to be my chief assistant as I requested. But I'll still miss this.

I drop my feet on the floor and place my two hands on my knees while looking down. Ya Allah make today go well. I take light steps towards Dalia. I'm about to tap her when her eyes flings open. She's always alerted and wary of her environment while sleeping. This isn't new to me.

"What's wrong?" Dalia quickly props her elbow on the bed.

"Relax, I wanted to wake you for Fajr," I said, chuckling.

"I was scared, I thought something happened," she mutters. Dalia shuts her eyes then opens it. She gets off the bed and pulls me into a hug. I'm confused; I don't know what is going on. "Alf mabrouk."

Dalia breaks the hug and pats my hair that is scattered all over my face. The hairstylist will do a lot of job today.

"Shukran." I smile.

Dalia and I said our prayers and sat for Dhikr until the sun rose fully. The day will be a long one. Firstly, we will go to the Amira's room where the makeover will take place.

I'm close to the door waiting for Dalia. She's struggling to pull something from underneath her bed. Something I have no clue of. I look out through the open door. A few maids are already pacing the hallway. We want to leave for the Amira's chamber before they become more than this. I want to avoid the different gazes some of them have been giving me since the news of my marriage to the Amir got out.

"Dalia we need to hurry, the place is starting to get crowded." I look at her and she's breathing heavily. There's something in her hands.

"I'm done already," she pants. She comes in face with me, then adjusts the object in her hands. Looking at it closely, I can now decipher what it is. It is a medium-sized chest laced with iron at its sides and a lock in its middle.

I look up from the chest to her face. "I never knew you had a chest." I poke her shoulder. She stretches it to me and I look at her quizzically. "What?"

"This is my gift to you, please accept it." I grab it from her hand and support it with my chest. It is a bit heavy.

"Really?" I beam. "Shukran, what is inside?"

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