I love you like an alcholic

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⚠️⚠️this entire chapter will be VERY VERY TRUGGERING, including; gore,nsfw, rape,pedophilia etc.⚠️⚠️

That night I went looking for quint, I wanted to find him I needed to find him or I couldn't sleep, or eat or function normally at all. Miles found me in the basement looking around, the basement was the first place I looked for quint. "What are you doing? It's like 11:00 y/n" he said in a tired voice I turned to him and made a stern face and said; "I'm looking for him" Miles eyes widened and he walked up to me "no you're not, you're going to bed" he said grabbing my shoulders. "I'm not going anywhere miles I have to find him" my eyes began to water and tears fell down my face "no, you don't. Quint, is, dead" he told me looking stern "he's not miles he's-" I was cut off by someone speaking "he's right here" i turned around slowly and horrified by what I saw it was quint, I was right. Miles put his arm in front of me while I was paralyzed with fear.

Quint began to speak again "aw, such a sweet boy miles, protecting your girlfriend. How's it feel to know I fucked her first?" I was crying hysterically by this point "you didn't fuck her you asshole you raped her." Miles was angry and yelling. "Ah yeah and I wish I would've waited longer because look at how sexy she is now! No worries though, I can just do it again!" Quint had a disgusting smile on his face that made me shiver with fear.

I was holding onto miles like I would die if I let go. "You're not going to touch her." Miles said furrowing his eyebrows. "Yeah miles? I've taught you everything you know, you would've never had sex with her if it weren't for me, you'd still be a shy timid little boy, maybe I should just kill you like I did your parents hm?" He talked in a low voice laughing like it was a joke. "You won't hurt him." I yelled back at quint, when we where in town I bought a gun I hadn't told anyone about, just incase. I pulled it out and aimed it at quints head. "Go away. Stay away. And I might let you live" I'd taken archery and gun range lessons since I was a child so I was a good shot, I could shoot him with my eyes closed if I wanted.

"Protecting him? He's known I was here the entire time! He tried to make you think you were crazy" I looked at miles and his face was twisted to a look of embarrassment, he grabbed my hand and we ran as fast as we could. Quint chasing after us. Miles was as tall as quint but they both towered over me. Quint was laughing and throwing things I heard Flora door creek open quint turned his head to look at flora and ran towards her "MILES, FLORA!" i yelled miles let go of my hand and ran towards quint, stabbing him in the stomach and knocking him over, as quint was wallowing in pain miles ran over him and grabbed Flora, me following behind, Quint managed to grab my leg and pulled me to him wrapping his hands around my neck, I tried to fight him off but I couldn't "GET HErr out.." everything was going black as I yelled for miles to leave with Flora while fighting quints grasp and I took one last gasp of air.

I heard a gun shot and I could breathe again, quints grasp on my neck ceased and I breathed heavily, I looked up to see Kate holding a shotgun and miles running to me with Flora in his arms, she shot quint in his shoulder, and missed his head. The four of us ran out of the mansion and into Kate's car, but I couldn't leave, I couldn't live knowing he was still alive. I got out of the car while miles yelled after me, I ran until I found quint trying to wrap his wound, he got up smiling "I can still hurt you even when I'm all messed up like this you know, sweetheart?" he spoke in a grungy tone, I looked stern at him, closed my eyes and pointed my gun, my hands now still, miles still yelling for me to run, and coming towards me. Right now, I wasn't gonna let quint live. Never, again was I gonna let him hurt me, or anyone in this house.

I aimed the gun and fired hearing quints choking as his body hit the floor, I opened my eyes and laughed, I mean a real, genuine, insane laugh my eyes went wide as I cried, miles sighed in relief but before he could hug me I walked to quints body on the floor, still smiling and my eyes wide, I tilted my head to the side, "how's it feel to loose? After killing and hurting so many people?" I said laughing hysterically, so hard I could barley get words out, quint was still breathing and trying to stop the blood on his throat. I took a pocket knife I had and cut down his stomach, laughing the entire time, stabbing him over, and over and over, my hands and face where covered in blood by the time I was done disfiguring him. Miles ran up to me dragging me away while I was laughing at the mess I had made.

we went outside and miles told Kate to make sure floras eyes where closed when they went back inside, we walked inside with them and Kate covered floras eyes and gasped at the bloody mess on the floor. I giggled again and looked at miles who smiled down at me before picking me up and taking me to his room.

He put me down and I held onto his shirt, he put his hands on my face and kissed me, he pulled away and there was blood on his lips from mine "you're so sexy covered in all that blood baby, well you're sexy all the time" I smirked and looked at him my face burning red from excitement "miles" I said quietly "y/n" he replied smiling "do you still, love me?" I asked him. He put his hand on my face again and bent so we were face to face "i think I love you even more than before baby" he smiled and kissed me again, than took my top off, throwing my bloody clothes on the floor, he kissed down my neck and we had sex again, we went for hours until we could barley move, when we where done we laid together cuddling on miles' bed. Miles started speaking softly "I love you y/n, more than life, if you left me I'd kill myself, I wouldn't know what to do" he said, he was playing with my hair and had his hands around my waist while he rested his chin on my head, I looked up at him, put my hands on his face, kissed him, before saying;
"miles, I love you to,

I love you like an alcoholic"

The end..

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