Chapter Six

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Dedication: Forevermebeyourself for making the awesome cover - thank you!


 "Lacey, wait!" Aiden called behind me, but I did what I was best at. I ignored him and marched down the hall. I saw a rather tall, well-built person in my peripheral vision, and turned, realising it was Carter. He stared at me with concern.

"You okay?" he asked, just as the bell buzzed loudly, signalling the start of school. I turned and kept going, walking straight out the exit.

I needed a cleansing day. I kept going until I was back at Carter's place. I shredded my clothes and slipped into my tights and singlet. I jammed my headphones in my ears and flew down the stairs, just itching to get out of the house again.

Running would be my distraction.

My feet pummelled against the ground as I pushed myself to go harder and faster. My breath was coming out in short, fast pants, my sides burning to the extent I thought I was going to pass out. My head complained the whole way and blackness began edging my vision.

Pushing myself like this wasn't healthy, but I was going to do it anyway. I felt the numbness slither into my veins and through my muscles.

This was my therapy and I sure as hell needed a lot of it.


******************************** One Year Ago ***********************************

I was so excited, I could scream. I had been waiting for this day my entire life. I was finally sixteen. With my grin spread from ear to ear, I let out a big whoosh of breath, effectively blowing all of my candles out.

Cheers erupted from my friends and family that gathered around me. My cheeks were aching as I had been smiling nonstop ever since I woke up. Which had been Carter belly flopping on me and screaming that the house was on fire.

A knife was shoved into my hand and before I knew it, I was slicing the cake up. After removing the knife, it became evident that it was dirty, making me smirk. I knew what came next and the prospect was exciting.

"Oooh, Lacey has to kiss the nearest boy!" one of my friends laughed childishly.

I grinned even wider, if possible and turned to Carter. I think it was pretty obvious why I demanded that my boyfriend be next to me while I cut the cake. I smashed my lips to his, ignoring the fact that both our parents were present. They've all seen it before. More cheers broke out around us. Our lips moved together, before I breathlessly stepped back, the taste of him still tingling against my lips.

I felt so exhilarated. The whole night had been a rush. The whole day had been. I didn't want it to end! He gave me a heart-stopping smile and I found myself gazing into him, my mouth agape. He rolled his eyes, smirking broadly.

"We all know I'm attractive Lacey, no need to stare."

Shaking my head, I snapped out of my trance. He always had that effect on me. He was ridiculously attractive. There were a couple of sniggers from my friend at his smart remark and my cheeks grew warm.

So far, my birthday had consisted of waking up and spending time with my family, unwrapping presents and such. I had gone down to the river with the extended family, (Carter's fam bam) and had lunch by the water. The smell of the salty sea and the feel of the freshly mowed grass brushing against my bare skin was still fresh in my mind, causing a sigh of content to escape my lips. I could close my eyes and still envision the whole scene in my head. 

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