Chapter Ten

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Dedication: WetBelle for the awesome cover on the side - thank you. :)

Any of you guys do trailers/covers or want to try and do one? If so, let me know! My email is Contacting me via email is the only way you will get a response as I hardly check my wattpad mail anymore. 


His fingers gently caressed my chin. He left a trail of soft kisses across my jawline and onto my neck. He tilted my head back and pressed his lips to my ear.

"You're the only one who can make me feel alive."

Sparks of electricity shot through my veins. I collapsed into bed and snuggled against him, loving every second of it. Eventually, I fell into a comfortable and deep sleep, my thoughts on Carter the entire time.

Tonight, would have to be the second most amazing night of my life.

I was dreading returning back to reality in the morning...


After spending longer than I should have gazing at his peaceful, sleeping face with a love-sick smile on my face, I bailed. I must admit, I most likely broke my record in getting ready, as I was up and out of the house within twenty minutes. Once I had put a safe distance between me and the house, I sunk to the ground and buried my face into my thighs.

Last night was stupid.

Okay, so it was the best night I have had since my sixteenth birthday and I still felt giddy when I thought about his lips against mine, but it was still stupid. I was not the type of person to cheat on my boyfriend, and yet, I went ahead and did it. Even though I had the same thing happen to me a year ago and it had crushed my heart and ruined the best thing I had in my life.

I was a stupid, stupid girl.

I realise I'm over-using the word stupid, but that's the only word that feels adequate enough to describe myself right now. The headache, sore throat and exhaustion probably didn't help brain processing either.

Guilt hung heavily in my chest as I took a moment to be ashamed of myself. I had to tell Aiden and I had to tell him today. I had to tell the boy who loved me and would do anything for me, that I had such little respect towards him that I cheated on him. Not just one little kiss that meant nothing, either.

I was a horrible human being.

School loomed over me and a feeling of dread spread through my veins, the closer I got. I was never particularly thrilled to be here, but today even more than usual. Slowly, my body came to a stop as I took a moment to mentally prepare myself for what I had to do. I didn't have a speech prepared. I was just going to tell him what happened and I was sorry. What's done is done and there was no going back.

With my mouth dry, eyes stinging and head hanging, I dragged my feet through the entrance. I wandered over to our usual spot and he wasn't there. Sweeping my eyes through the area, I realised he mustn't be here yet. I fumbled for my phone and retrieved it from my pocket. My heart felt as though it dropped into my stomach.

'Hey, I'm going camping for a few days and won't have reception. Sorry about the short notice, I wasn't going to go but decided to last minute. Talk when we get back? Love you. X'

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