Chapter Twelve

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Dedication: Dreammymisery for kick ass cover. I love it. :)

I'm going away for a few days so I thought I would update early. Hope you enjoy!


"Oh, look who it is, the happy couple."

I pivoted slowly, my eyes landing on Mercedes. She gave us a tight lipped smile, her eyes flashing red hot anger. I quirked an eyebrow, surprised. We weren't seeing eye to eye, on well, anything really, but this anger was new to me. 

I would have thought she would be ecstatic about Aiden and I's break up. But for some reason, she looked angrier than ever.

"Lacey," she started, a cocky smirk plastered on her face. "I have something to tell you."


I'm not sure whether I wanted to cry or punch them both in the throat.

I decided on doing something similar to option two. Lunging forward, my palm slashed across her face. Mercedes cried out, staggering to the side. She clutched her head in hers hands, her right cheek instantly turning red.

If the news had been any different, I would have kneed her in the stomach.

Her mouth opened, but I swivelled my eyes to her. I death stared her so hard I thought they were going to pop out of their sockets. I knew I had been a bad best friend, but I would never, do anything like this to her.

"If you open your mouth and speak to me again, I'm going to rip your tongue out with my bare hands." I stepped towards her, my eyes turning into slits. "In fact, I don't think I can't even wait for you to talk. I want to do it right now."

She swallowed, taking a few steps back. "Lace-"

An enraged growl tore from my throat. My hand circled around the end of her hair and I yanked it as hard as I could. A scream pierced my ears, but it only egged me on. I wanted her blood on my hands. My vision was turning red.

I needed to hit her.

Carter's strong arms wrenched me back. I swung my elbow into his side. He hardly even flinched. He wrapped his arms around me, in attempt to stop me flailing. I felt like a criminal who had just been caught. Or maybe someone who had just escaped a psych ward. Either way, my chest was rising rapidly and my breathing sounded like I smoked three packs a day.

My hair was messy, my eyes were tinged and my entire body trembling with fury. I probably looked insane. I felt insane.

"I know you're mad and I know we have a lot to talk about, but you need to stop."

"Are you guys serious?" the guy working at the bowling alley asked furiously, before I had a chance to bite back. "First time back together after your ban and you start a fight?"

No one replied, we all just shot daggers at him for interrupting.

He sighed in frustration, rubbing his fingers over his temples. "Get out and don't come back."

He turned his back to us and stormed towards his counter, his back rigid. His words had no effect on me. Nothing had much effect on me after what I just heard. I stopped struggling. I stopped my attempt to break from his arms. I stood perfectly still and focused on my breathing, trying to regain normality.

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