Chapter Eight

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Dedication: Distrazione for the awesome cover - thank you!


I felt the lounge dip beside me and before I knew it, a pale hand was on my thigh. With my eyebrows raised, I swivelled my head to the side. "Mary?"

"It's a dare. No tongue."


Before I could ask any more, she pressed her lips to me. I heard the click of a flash, before she pulled back. "Thanks Carter. I'm going to win for sure!"

I stared after her in shock as she sprang to her feet and ran after a giggling girl. I wiped my hand with the back my of hand, feeling dirty. Yuck. I rose to my feet and maneuvered to the bathroom. I splashed some cold water on my face, suddenly feeling weary. I cringed as I heard something break. I turned and emerged back down the stairs. Andrew visibly relaxed upon seeing me. 

"Here man, take this off my hands." he said, shoving the drink into my palm. "Drink and stay here. I'll be back."

Without another word of complaint, in case it set him off, I sculled the drink. It burned my throat and stung my eyes. I gagged and the glass slipped from my hands. I leaned back on the wall. I didn't feel too good...

My skin was becoming clammy and sweaty. I could feel my hair was matted against my forehead. My mouth was hot and sticky, feeling dryer than sand paper. My eyes were so blurry I could hardly focus on anything.

That is when I blacked out into unconsciousness.


 ************************* Now *****************************

Lacey's P.O.V:

My head hurt.

My face was still a blotchy and bruised mess from falling down the stairs. I winced as I gingerly prodded it with my fingers. I hadn't spoken to Mercedes since our argument at school and I was supposed to be meeting up with Aiden at the park about... five minutes ago.


Sighing, I rose to my feet and slipped my iPhone into my back pocket. I already had a text from him asking where I was. I glanced in the mirror and sighed once more. My face was looking better, but it was still semi-revolting. 

Fetching my red leather jacket, I slipped it over my shoulders and brushed a loose tendril of my hair behind my ear. Slipping into my shoes, I wandered through the door and past Carter without a word, our arms brushing due to our proximity.

His mouth opened as if he was about to say something, but I kept going. The cool air washed over my body the instant I stepped outside. I was thankful for it as my face had been flushed with heat. I stared at my Lancer and groaned, forgetting that I didn't have petrol. Grabbing my phone, I quickly texted Aiden that I was walking, so I may take a bit longer. The walk would probably do me good anyway. The silence of my surroundings and the cool air was pleasant. 

Hastily brushing my hair back from my face, I turned and entered the park where we were supposed to be meeting. I could see him bent over, sitting on one of the swings, his elbows dug into his knees. I stood there for a moment, just watching him.

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