Chapter Nineteen

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Dedication: To Twikkiesbabygyal for the cool banner on the side. Thanks, it's awesome! 

Also, thank you txrose for saying that Vance Joy's Riptide reminds her of this story. :)


"How's your rice?" he asked and I was grateful for the subject change.

"Brilliant as usual, how's your... whatever you got?"

"Spicy and hot, just like my company."

Rolling my eyes, I let out a flirtatious laugh. "Oh you."

We packed away the containers and put them to the side. I reclined back so that I was staring up at the sky. I patted my now slightly round belly, feeling satisfied.

"I love you." The words slipped from my mouth before I knew they were going to.

"I love you, too."

I rolled to my side and he securely wrapped an arm around me. I snuggled into him and sighed, completely and utterly content right now. Even though what I was was shocking and not something I liked to see, I wasn't going to let it bother me. I was here, with the love of my life right now and I was happy.

That was all that mattered.


The crowd around us erupted into applause as Carter, yet again, slid across his stomach, making another try. I leapt to my feet, banging my hands together. A massive grin had been stretched across my face the entire game. He was playing brilliantly, as usual.

For a long time I didn't participate in watching the football games but now that I'm hanging out with Carter more, I decided I would come cheer him on. And by 'decided' I mean forcefully dragged by Anna. Even Aiden was playing, which was a first. He was only usually a reserve, as so many of the boys played. They had a lot of subs actually, so Aiden rarely got to.

"He is good." Anna nodded with approval.

"He's good at everything he does." I replied with an eye roll.

"Yeah, you'd know."

I slapped her playfully. It was a little over half time and we were up by two, which was good. Our football team wasn't fantastic, but this year it had been going pretty well. Anna was the one who convinced me to come (as usual with everything these days) as she was 'tuning' one of the boys on the team. I can't remember who she said it was but she was very excited to see him after the game. She pointed him out a few times but realistically, I couldn't keep my eyes off Carter.

After the game, I am accompanying Carter to a party at one of the boy's places. Anna would be there too but I think she was planning to go with whatever-his-name-is or possibly miss the entire party if she gets her way. I'd like to hope she does manage to make it, partying with her is pretty fun. I had stopped all that for a long time, after Carter and I weren't friends. I have really missed going out. Anna has reminded me that I can do all those things, with or without a boyfriend. Boys don't have to always control my life, which unfortunately, have for so long.

"What's his name again? The guy you're talking to?"

"Josh," she replied with a satisfied smile. I glanced at her. She looked beautiful, as always. She had a high waisted, black skirt on with dark stockings underneath. She had a baby pink, long sleeved shirt and a matching headband with bow, wrapped across her head. The fiery redness of her hair contrasted well with the pink, which was surprising. She looked the definition of "pretty in pink". Her dimples only added to the look. My best friend, ladies and gentlemen, was an absolute stunner. And here I was, a skinny rat beside her. "Number nine out there."

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