Dear Aiden

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Dedication: _defyinggravity_ for the awesome cover!


Dear Aiden,

Imagine if someone told us a year ago where we would be now. Who could have predicted all of this?

You deserved so much better than me. I wish you had met someone else and been happy with them. I do not regret us, though. I'm glad I met you and got the chance to be called your girlfriend. You're such a kind person. I have no idea why or how you put up with me for as long as you did.

But that one time. That one mistake from you has changed your whole life. You sealed your fate the moment you chose Mercedes over me.  

I don't even know what's going on inside your head. One minute you want me, the next you don't. I'm the exact same, I know. Honestly, we're all as bad as each other. Well, me more so than you. Anyway, that is why I have decided to do what I'm doing.

A year gap. A year to have a break from reality. Hawaii, will be my temporary home. Who knows, I could end up never coming back. Kidding. Kind of.

I hope you treat Mercedes well, even though I choose not to associate with her anymore.

I wanted to write you this letter, to tell you that I don't regret us. I don't regret it at all. I regret how I treated you and how it ended, but not us. And I wanted to apologise for everything that I have done.

I hope that one day, we can move on and be friends. I'd like that. I hope this year, you can find yourself and find peace. And be happy. You will be a great father. Don't ever forget that.

Sorry this letter isn't going to be very long. I'm not all that good with words. I know what I want to say, but it's hard to actually say it.

Please move on with your life. Do not hold a place for me in your heart. I don't deserve it. We don't work, after all the times we tried. I think it's better off to just end it for good. I will cherish that last kiss we shared and never forget it. Because it will be the very last one for us. 

A lot is going to happen for you this year and I wish you all the best luck for it.

For now, I'm not in your life. I don't want you to treat me like I'm in your life. I want you to focus on your family, not me. One day, I hope we can grow to be in each other's lives again. 

Good luck with everything,


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