Chapter 63: None of them love you as much as I do

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How quickly Shao Chengyun's reflex nerves were, Xin Rong had fought with him several times, and naturally knew it.

He slapped it out, thinking that the other party would avoid it.

Until the palm of his hand slapped over his cheek and made a very loud sound, both of them instantly fixed.

Shao Chengyun did not hold him anymore, but instead put one hand on Xin Rong's shoulder, and the other hand lifted up, wiping the blood stains on the corners of Xin Rong's lips with his fingers. It was blood coming from Shao Chengyun's mouth.

Shao Chengyun's voice was a little hoarse, and he said to Xin Rong, "I'm sorry. Then he smiled very faintly, with a tone of self-deprecation, "I was too impulsive." His hand slowly slid down one side of Xin Rong's shoulder, and the handsome face was not too embarrassed.

Perhaps deep down, Shao Chengyun already regarded Xin Rong as a relative and lover, even if he was slapped, it was because he was at fault first. His apologies and self-blame are sincere, and he is no longer the condescending partner he once was.

Xin Rong stood with his back to the window sill, his ravaged lips flushed, but his face was a little pale.

His two hands were holding back against the edge of the windowsill, and his breathing hadn't completely calmed down.

Shao Chengyun finally realized that something was wrong with him, stared at him for a few seconds, and called his name.

Xin Rong didn't speak, and his eyes were a little scattered.

Shao Chengyun sighed, reached out and supported the back of Xin Rong's head, pressed him on his shoulder, and asked him, "What did you think?" So scared.

Shao Chengyun knew the answer, but Xin Rong had to tell him once in person, and the knot between them could be untied.

Xin Rong is not a fragile and flirtatious person, and he himself has been trying to turn over the matter.

Shao Chengyun asked him, and he was not willing to answer positively.

"When I hugged you, were you afraid of me?" This time Shao Chengyun asked more specifically, but his voice was gentler and with a soothing meaning.

Xin Rong still did not answer, he raised his head, pulled away from Shao Chengyun, pursed his lower lip, and suddenly asked, "Is there water?"

Shao Chengyun turned around and went to Xiaoice box to get him a bottle of water, unscrewed the lid and handed it to him.

Xin Rong looked up and took two sips, then put the bottle on the windowsill next to him.

"There's an assumption, but I've always wanted to know." Xin Rong opened his mouth again, his voice was very soft, and the speed of his speech was slow, "If there was no Zhou Zong who was there that day, no one would help me." To the end... Will you let me go?

Maybe in the eyes of others, this is not a good opportunity to chat.

But Xin Rong still asked.

His heart knot was not actually how he had been treated by Shao Chengyun that night. Instead, in the two months before and after the termination of the agreement, Shao Chengyun used various methods to restrict him and force him to stay with him.

Several times Xin Rong had also thought about asking this question. But because of the occasion, or the timing, or his own lack of courage to face the truth, he was unable to ask in the end.

And just now they kissed by mistake. Mistakenly expressing emotions, biting and hitting, although not serious, it was something that happened in just one or two minutes, but it gave Xin Rong a very bad memory association. <

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