Louis Hypothermia

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a/n Important: this is more like a one-shot from what happens when the boys all go for a trip to Alaska in a cabin without any other people, just the five of them!! Xx


3rd person POV

The boys all wanted some free time, the tour just finished so they needed to start writing their next album now. At least that's what management want, they wanted a new record as soon as possible. Other wise it would be bad for business, whatever that means.

So yeah the boys were all in the same room trying write something, which obviously didn't work, being cramped together. Louis threw his pencil down, sighing. "What's it mate?" Liam asked, looking up with a frown. "This is stupid, imago's isn't going to work, not for me at least. I am going to smoke" he said before standing up and walking away, already getting his pack of cigarettes out of his pocket. "I'll come with ya" Zayn said, following him outside.

"What do we do now?" Liam asked to Harry and Niall after they left. Niall shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, I Wish management would just see that this method doesn't work for anybody. This isn't going to make us write songs faster. I will just cause more arguments with each other." Harry said, laying his pencil also down.

Liam looked around to all off the scattered papers in front of them. There were some with some lined, others completely empty. Some sentences that they noted didn't even make any sense. But they had to make it work, it worked just fine for the first two albums, so why doesn't it now.

"Maybe we can work in pairs from now on?" Harry suggested. "Agreed, maybe that would be better" Niall said after. "I certainly like that idea, we have to wait for the other two though to make a final decision about it" Liam said.

The two came walking back in, sitting down. "We thought about something guys" Liam said, turning to the two boys. "And that is?" Louis said. "Maybe we should work in pairs" Liam answered. Louis thought about it for a moment before agreeing. "It's worth a shot" Zayn said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Wait a minute, I got an amazing idea" Niall exclaimed, voice to happy. "Oh no" Harry mumbled. "Don't 'oh no' me, I have a really good idea" Niall said. "Well tell us"
"What if we go on a trip together, like just us five. Maybe we could get inspired there. We could tell management that it could work and get lots of writing done. I see other artists do it sometimes, and it seemed to work for them. So why not try ourselves?" Niall said. The other thought about it for a moment before all agreeing with Niall. A bit of break from the studio in England seemed nice and it seemed like a nice experience too.

So that's how all five of them ended on a plane to Alaska. They would live in a cabin for like a week to see if it would help any. Just them five. Management agreed somewhat and scheduled it all. They decided that Alaska was fine enough, it wouldn't cost many money.

"How old is this place, seriously" Louis said, grimacing when he saw the old wooden cabin in the middle of nowhere. They have been walking trough the snow for half a hour to come here.

"I don't know but it looks cozy" Harry said, shrugging shoulders. "How can you even think that mate, look at those walls and that painting over there and-" Louis said only to be cut of by Liam "don't start a fight either of you, this is supposed to be a nice trip. Let's keep it that way"
"Its so cold" Niall commented.
"No kidding we're in Alaska" Louis said. It was an understanding that he didn't like the cold that much.

"Alright, who goes with me to get some extra wood for the fireplace?" Zayn said.
"I'll go, it's better staying in here, might warm up a bit as well" Louis said back. They walked together outside the door, closing it softly behind them.

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