Almost time~

362 5 109

(setting, back of the seats in moon theater. Watching stage construction)

I take a long smooth breath and close my tired eyes, folding my ears back.

"We did it." I whisper through my teeth.

I reopen my eyes to observe around me. From my observation chair in the theater, the loud noises from the stage crew setting things up was dimmed by my thoughts.

After two months of tedious and fast working, we have a show.

Buster was pacing the stage, clipboard in had, clearly looking for something. He skimmed the seats I was sitting in. Once his eyes landed on me he brightly smiled and ran off to me.

"Buster!" I greet him standing to give him a hug. "I haven't seen you all day, are things running smoothly?" I forced my droopy eyes up and complimented my tired look with a lazy smile.

I slouched back down in my seat awaiting his answer.

"Sure is." He sighed. "It's perfect."

He set down his clipboard board on the chair next to me. "May I take a seat here?" He said in a joking tone pointing at my lap.

"Hell yeah." I chuckled, Buster quickly climbed into me and leaned against my chest.

"First rehearsal take a lot out of you?" He asked noticing my tired appearance.

"Nah.. it was fine." I leaned back and hugged around his neck from behind.

"Hmm.. you sure you're not sleepy or sore? Not even a little bit?" He questioned clearly seeing through my lie.


"Yeah I call bull." He giggled, taking a deep breath of his own. "Um.. thanks again, y/n, I don't know what I'd do without you."

I smiled and rested my chin on the top of his head. "You don't need to thank me dummy."

"Well sure I do. You didn't need to help. Help me and my little dream."

"No, but I wanted to, and your dream is everything but little." I yawn and lower my hands to cling around Buster's torso. "Not like you can get rid of me that easy."

"You know that's not what I meant." He lightly jabbed his elbow into my stomach.

"Ouch. Alright." I thought over all the things that have happened over these weeks, how Johnny, Meena, Gunther, and Rosita would be in it, how I've grown close to the cast and Nana even more, about how much more I've done with buster, and.. Ash.

We haven't spoken to each other in the time between the day she won to now.



"I think I'm going to do it." I quickly cought my bluntness and elaborated. "Ash. I'm going to make things right with her."

"Well." He responded and cleared his throat. "I kinda thought you got over that whole situation."

"Meh.. I can live without her, but I don't want to. Sure, what she did back there was a total bitch move. Not going to deny that. But she's nice, she loves me, she has been my friend my whole life. I don't think one, be it a very stupid mistake should take that." I explained my reasoning.

Buster moon x Masc ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now